Chapter Eight

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I was sitting in the champions' seat, which is a seat up on the highest level of the stadium, it was very nice, it was secluded from other seats and had glass barrier to protect againt the sandstorm, which isn't that special there a huge barrier protecting the fans.
I don't normally use this seat because I don't want to make a big deal, but at least the Eevees can run around easier. I sit and zone out about what happened earlier, why was he here? The match was about to start and I snapped out of it when I heard the referee announce the trainers onto the field.
I watch as the challenger through out a Bischop and a Roserade, not bad but it will be tricky, but seeing Raihan get all ummm... fierce I guess? I don't know. At first I won't deny I was somewhat intimidated at first, but knowing that he's basically a puppy teddy bear hybrid I quickly became less so.
*Time Skip, because I'm tired*
Raihan lost but that's okay, he's still my big bad dragon. I walked into tje locker room to surprise him, I saw him sitting on the bench, scrolling through his phone when I hugged him from behind, he was shocked, but his facial expression changed from shock to joy quicker than a Rapidash.
"You did amazing Babe!" I talked slightly louder than my normal voice.
"Thank you" he responded, giving me a kiss on the lips. "Let's go home."
"That sound amazing." I said as I rested my head on his arm, pulling out my phone so we could listen to "Ex-wives" from Six the Musical, we've been listening to it non-stop

Hey guys sorry it's been so long, I'm back so yay! Sorry for the not so fun chapter, I promise the next chapter will be more exciting one way or another. Yes I am obsessed with Six("Don't lose your head" is my favorite, I love the original track, but favorite live performance is Broadway sorry not sorry😝😆). Anywho see y'all next time

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