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Samantha's POV
Seeing Nash kiss another girl really broke me. I didn't think he was like that. It was only 2 days! After I the scene, I ran to my hotel room and couldn't do anything but cry. When I looked up from my now wet pillow, I saw Hayes. He was staring down at me with pitty in his eyes. Hayes didn't witness the scene. "Are you okay?" he asked. "N-No, Nash Ch-Cheated on m-me" i answered still sobbing. Hayes seemed shock, but relieved... Why?! Did he not hear me say his own brother cheated on me? "Samantha, I've been meaning to tell you this since i met you and since my brother is older and i saw that he liked you, i felt that i had to back off, but Samantha, I...I think I love you" Hayes continued, looking into my eyes. I was shocked, I didn't like Hayes that way. "I'm sorry, Hayes. I think of you like a brother to me. I love you... but not in that way." i explained. "I understand... at least let me help you get revenge on my brother, you don't deserve to be cheated on, no girl does." he said. I thought about where he was going with this. This would probably not bring Nash and I back together, but it will let him now how much it hurts. "Sure. Hayes? Do you think you can pretend to date me? Like, to show him that cheaters, like him, can easily and quickly be replaced by someone better. Wait, do you already have a girlfriend?" i asked. "We broke up two weeks ago, she cheated... So yeah, can 'date'... We just need Nash to know what he did was wrong, it isn't the first time he's done this..." Hayes explained. This plan was going to be a real good lesson to Nash... I hope. Without realising, Hayes and I have been staring into eachother's eyes for about a minute, when he started to lean in... Without thinking, I leaned in and our lips touched, no sparks and not even close to what i felt when Nash and I kissed. Right when our lips collided, the door flew opened to reveal a surprised and hurt Nash. I felt bad that I did that, but it was all part of the plan. Before I could say anything, Nash ran out, a few seconds later hearing a door slam, assuming he locked himself inside his hotel room. "Plan is in action" said Hayes. "Yup" was all that came out of my mouth, not helping but to feel the slightest feeling of guilt.

Nash's Pov
Truth is, I know Hayes' and Samantha's plan. When i chased her up to her room, I stayed outside her door to think about how to explain things, but then I heard talking amd just listened. I eavesdropped and heard all about the plan. I was mad at first, but realised, this could get us back together. So, when I noticed the talking stopped, I opened the door and saw them kissing. I was shocked and hurt. Nothing came out of my mouth, I just walked away and went into my room. I didn't know what to do, but I told myself it was all just a silly act and it wasn't for real. They didn't love eachother. Samantha is mine, maybe not currently, but she will be. I just have to act like if i was mad at Hayes for dating her and they will think their plan is working! Why doesn't anything like this ever happen to Shawn or Isabella? Speaking of them, they have been acting so weird lately. They've been acting sort of like... eachother. Ever since we went to that psychic place... You know when people say you are who you date? or is it you are what you eat... "So, what do you say?" said Cameron. "What? I wasn't listening..." i said, snapping back to reality. "Are you coming to the party?" "uh... ya! what time?" "1 hour meet us in the lobby later" Cameron said walking out.

A/N : So this is part 1 of this little spree i'm doing. I didn't want it to delete anything, because i know wattpad can be a pain and do that somethimes, so i am publishing this and will write and publish again in a few hours or so. Hope you enjoyed the little plot-twist at the end there😂

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