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Howdy partners.

It's come to my attention that a lot of authors are getting crap deals from wattpad, and many accounts are being deleted.

This isn't me saying I'm leaving, this is me saying I'm going to move things over to InkItt as a back up. Nothing will be posted unless it comes to that.

I'm telling y'all this now so you know what account to look for if mine goes missing.

It's NOT strawberrysip.

Like I made that and then it logged me out and I can't remember what email I used. This happened within the span of like five minutes.

So instead it's: berrybomb

Like I said, inkitt will be my LAST option because I honestly hate it. I really, really do. I feel like the layout is tacky and nothing flows right. And reading is unpleasant because the text is so large.

I haven't found where I could change the settings in the part, yet, but if I can someone please tell me 😹

Anywayssss, the next chapter is underway! I recently got a new job and will be starting that soon, but, I have promised weekends and holidays off,,,,soz I should get into a semi-schedule for when I can write.

With love and apologies for being such a slow writer,
Beri. 💖

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