10 - pain and sorrow

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— cry, let the tears fall

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cry, let the tears fall. you know it's better to let the sorrow flow than let it grow.


i heard screaming sounds, familiar to jungkook's voice.

i immediately shot up and took my earbuds out of my ears.

i could here footsteps outside my room, they've heard him.

this has been a secret me and him.

my parents never knew about me kissing, hugging, dancing, and stargazing with him, neither his parents.

i perked up to my door opening.

"mom, dad?" i called out for them.

they opened the door widely, which revealed my whole family even dawn, my younger sister.

"honey, there's screaming next door-" my mom started but i cut her off my shoving them out of my way and running to the main door.

they stayed by the opening of our door as i jogged across the field that separated their house from us.

as if on cue jungkook stormed outside crying and screaming at his father.

he took a glimpse of me and ran towards me as i did the same.

he enveloped me in his arms as i held his waist, crying.

i literally don't know why i cry when he does, but my pain is his so it's even.

he crouched down and wiped away my tears,
"i'm fine." he whispered with a fake smile.

i shook my head eagerly and yelled at him,
"no your not, look at you! how could you do this to me jungkook?! i don't ever like to see you like this!" i paused and took a deep breath, "i just...really love it when you smile and not cry. when you cry i feel like my heart shatters to pieces like glass. you-you can't keep on holding to that sorrow...you have to let it flow and i'm here with you, ever single step. just spill your emotions and we can figure this out. tell me your deepest secret, your greatest fear, your favorite person, what the stars say to you...just spill it all my love." i whispered the last part and held his cheeks.

he closed his eyes tightly and bursted into tears, falling on his head.

i fell with him and hugged him tightly, saying calming words and kissing his cheek every now and then.

i could see that my parents were shocked, his father also.

"you rat! how could you leave me?!" his father screamed at him.

i brought him closer to my chest and fought back,
"he would never leave you sir, just please-"

"you took him away! it's all your fault!" he bellowed and threw the bottle of vodka on the ground,
"i love him, i need to protect him at all times!"

at this point i was hella confused.

"sir why are you like this?!"

he strolled closer to me and snatched the broken boy away from me.

"i'm not gonna lose another person this time! i love him, he has his mother's eyes and features, he reminds me of her so much that i love him uncontrollably, it's the only way i would feel her presence beside me!"

my breath hitched. mother? love him uncontrollably? her eyes?

he screamed so loudly that the while neighborhood would be awake by now.

"my luna! please..save me, he wants to touch me!"

i heard my father shout at him,
"i'm calling the cops! you have no right to use tour child for sexual abuse!"

i covered my mouth and shook my head,
"jungkook please-"

i could see his father's tight grip on his wrist which would leave bruises soon.

"luna!" he wailed, "please, i don't want to go back there!"

his father yanked him harshly inside the house and screamed at me,
"you won't see him ever again!"

"please no! i-"

by the time i was about to finish the cops arrived with my father with them.

"he's sexually abusing his child!" my father exclaimed to one policeman.

i ran to to the other two cops bawling my eyes out,
"please just save him!" i shouted.

it was something i never thought i was gonna endure, something i never would even think about.

how could he not tell me about this? sexual abuse is a serious thing!

the man was drunk and cuffed. he kept screaming for the officers to let him go, let him be with his child.

i clutched my fists and screamed at him,
"your sick! go to a fucking mental hospital!"

i ran inside and found jungkook in the corner of his living room, with his knees brought up to his chest and his mumbling soft sounds.

i kneeled in front of him and lifted his chin,
"your fine now my love."

he nodded.

i smashed our lips together and he hungrily kissed me with his hands around my waist and my hands tugging at his soft locks.

the kiss got mixed with a hint of saltiness and his saliva.

he held me close and cried in between the kiss but i ate it all up.

we finally pulled apart and he hugged me whispering a soft ' my luna'.

i hugged him back and kissed his cheeks,
"spill your pain and sorrow my love."

and he did, badly.


— whoever's reading this is a cliché hoe like me💀

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