14 - hope

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— h

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hold on pain ends.


he's slipping.

slipping from my hold. my fingertips.

seconds turned into minutes. minutes turned into hours. hours turned into days. days turned into weeks. and he's getting worse.

skin as pale as a blank canvas. lips as chapped as a blister.
eyes as dull as the night itself, but without stars sprinkling stardust in your way.

it's worsening every second.

we were together just a few months ago, what happened now?

do i let him go? do i keep him safe in my arms? i prayed and prayed with sleepless nights. no use.

"jungkook, hey baby it's gonna be okay." i whispered and patted his back.

he let out a loud grunt and balled a fist into my shirt.

red. the name itself is disgusting.

"i-it hurts." and he puked more red.

i wanted to kiss him and tell him everything is gonna be fine.

but that would all be a lie.

he puked more and more.

his fists crumbled up my shirt second by second but i really didn't care.

he looked up to me with his mouth hung open and drops of red falling off of his lips.

my eyes stung and i blinked the tears away.

he wiped the blood with the back of his hand,
"what are we gonna do now?" he choked out.

i smiled,

he smiled and his used to be fist let go of my shirt as his skinny body collapsed on the bathroom floor.

i gasped and bellowed for my parents to call the ambulance.

i held him in my arms as dawn witnessed everything with teary eyes.

i cried like a hurricane, tears streaming out of my face nonstop and falling on his used to be chubby cheeks.

i just hope he will hold on. his pain will end soon, i know it.


— hi.

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