finale; goodbye

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— stay

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i need you more than you think.


"he's gonna make it," i mumbled under my breath, "he can't leave me."

dawn wailed and mom hugged her tighter.

as for me i'm pacing around the waiting room. it's been an hour what are they doing?

as if on cue the doctor called our names.

i sprinted to his room.

what i saw....wasn't my jungkook at all.

what i saw was a lifeless body, as pale as the hospital bedsheets themselves.

his eyes not open, his mouth dry.

he fluttered his orbs open and looked around the room.

when he spotted me he smiled,
"i'm fine."

i had enough of that ' i'm fine' shit so i gave him a rampage,
"no! you are not fine jungkook, you're nearly dying! look at you! i don't see the stars or the milky way in your eyes anymore. i don't see your pink lips that swell when i kiss you and those chubby cheeks of yours! i don't even know who if your my star jungkook....i just—i don't know."

he smiled,
"i'm sorry my luna."

my luna? he hasn't called me that in ages.

"stay. i need you more than you think." i mumbled and sat on the edge of the bed.

he motioned me to come closer and i did.

he held me by the cheeks and connected our forehead together.

"i can't stay," he whispered, "i'm gonna be one of them."

i laughed and cried,
"n-no your n-not-"

"i'm finally gonna see you from above." he mumbled and tears ran down his eyes, "i will get to see you look at me-"

"no! y-you can't fucking leave me! i need you jungkook please!" i shouted.

he shut his eyes and tears ran down his cheeks. he inhaled for a second and shot them back open to look at me directly in the eyes,
"i won't be there physically but i grantee you that i will always have a place in your heart, mentally." he whispered the last part and kissed me harshly.

i kissed back even tho he tasted more like blood than chocolate.

i heard the machine beeping fast as he continued to swell my lips i couldn't fight back, i was too weak.

it was going crazy fast now, doctors nurses cane running in. he still didn't let go.


he pulled away,
"i love stars as much as i love you my luna...please stay in contact with me and find someone else to love," he sobbed, "if it's a girl call her 'star' and take her stargazing so that i can always see her," i shook my head and cried while squeezing his hand, "i will never leave you my luna." he kissed my forehead.

suddenly it all stopped as if time froze.

you are all that matters to me, my love for you will last an eternity.

"no! please stay jungkook." i mumble and caress his cheek.


the universe is in your bones, the stars in your soul; it's never really the


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