Chapter 11: Miss Cuddles

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I didn't show it, but I was terrified. My whole existence was going to be wiped away.

I glared at her.

"You can't do this."

"It's already set love." I rubbed my face as my heart raced.

"I'm not going to let this happen. You should find another vessel."

"You're the perfect one. This is your destiny Nadeen."

I channeled all my emotion and power and directed it to her.



I jumped up out of my sleep.

I sat up to see them all staring at me.


"I figured you had something to do with why there's suddenly a freakin thunderstorm!" Damon yelled over the loud rain. I looked out the window but couldn't see a thing because of the rain.

"Sorry." Once I managed to calm down, the rain stopped and the clouds went away. Alaric handed me a napkin causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"Your nose." I brought my hand up to my nose only for it to be covered in blood. I wiped my nose and sighed.

"Mind explaining what that was about?" Stefan asked.

"The original witch wants to use me to bring back a very old powerful witch in order to make her kids happy or weak, I'm not sure what her intentions are. I Of course plan on that not happening. So when I get Kai back, him and I will be taking a much needed trip to New Orleans to kick some original ass." Damon snorted.

"You're going to go up against the original family? Good luck with that."

"Clearly you don't know me at all. I'm not afraid of some old ass vampires. And I've met Klaus, the one everyone is so afraid of. Not that impressed." I shrugged looking out the window. Damon shook his head and started the car back up.

The radio came on and the song playing only made me miss Sam and Dean. I sung along quietly to Heat of the Moment as it played.

"Aren't you like twelve, what do you know about Asia?" Damon chuckled. I glared at him.

"I'll kill you. I'd really do it." He rolled his eyes. "I'm on the road a lot hunting monsters. My brother's collection of rock music is never ending so." I shrugged.

We drove for a while more, actually making conversation. That's only because we had nothing else to do. When we finally reached Portland I was a little anxious. Last time I was here I was tied up and sent to a prison world.

We all got out the car with our bags. I checked my phone and seen more messages from Sam and Dean. I sighed and decided to call Sam. He answered instantly.

"Nadeen? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sam."

"Dean has been trying to call you."

"I know."

"He's Sorry about what he said. He didn't mean it."

"Sure felt like he did."

"Dean loves you. We both do. We don't want to see you hurt. Or worse."

"I know I know."

"Look, come home and we can all sit down and talk."

"Hey let's get a move on." Damon said snapping at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Who is that?" Sam asked.

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