Chapter Seven

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It took me some time to think of how exactly I was going to make this chapter go and honestly it isn't very great. But yo, finally got some Narry in this one so enjoy (;


"I'm so ready for tonight," I told Louis while we set everything up for the party.

"Harry," Louis said, putting the assorted dips in a specific order, "I don't think this is such a good idea." I groaned.

"Why not?" I asked, setting a large bowl of chips in the center of the table.

"Because, you might really hurt Niall," he told me, wobbling to the fridge.

"So what?" I walked over to the fridge to help Louis get the drinks out while he continued.

"He's so tiny and sweet. Don't ruin him." I rolled my eyes.

"He'll be fine. A little mockery never killed anyone."

"Actually it has."


"He should be here by now," I told Louis. The party had started thirty minutes before and Niall was the only one not there.

"Maybe he got lost," Louis said. I scoffed.

"He's probably too pussy to come."

"Don't put him down so quickly. You don't know wha-" The door bell rang while Louis was in mid sentence and I knew right then it was Niall. I opened the door and Niall stood there, nicely dressed in a dark blue button up, black skinny jeans, and black converse. His cheeks were red and he looked pretty flustered.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," he apologised after I let him in. "I-I got lost cause I'm still pretty new to London, and I couldn't find your road, and my GPS took me to totally different place and-"

"It's fine, Niall," I interjected. "Just enjoy the party, okay?" He nodded and headed over to the alcohol spiked drinks.

I spent a little bit of time with Louis, Liam and Zayn while I waited for the party to get a little further in before moving in on Niall. Niall was having a conversation with Hayden. Hayden appeared to be the only friend he had made.

"Ugh I'm so freaking bored right now," I groaned. "I'm going to mess with him now." I walked over to Niall and Hayden and said my hellos to them both.

"So Niall," I said slowly, dragging out his name, "how are you?"

"I-I'm good," he stuttered, making me smirk.

"That's great," I said, rubbing my hand up his arm. Niall's breath hitched, and his face turned bright red.

"I'll see you later, Ni," Hayden said, winking at him then walking away.

"So are you excited about being on the team?" I asked him, poking my fingers at his.

"Y-Yeah," he answered lowly.

"You're adorable," I told him, smiling.

"T-Thanks." He blushed and looked down at the floor.

So the rest of the night went like that. I would flirt with Niall and he would continue to blush and be really nervous. It was kind of adorable, something I never thought I would think.

By eleven PM I was ready to make a further move on him and embarrass him. How? Well I was going to embarrass him by going in to kiss him, which in return, Niall would move in. It was quite obvious he was gay and possibly into me. So then, I was going to be a total asshole and shout, "What the hell are you doing, Horan!?" and  boom! Everyone would notice and he would be embarrassed. It was perfect.

"So Niall," I said. He looked at me. I leaned down towards his lips and watched as he got on the tip of his toes and moved in too. Our mouths were just about to touch and I swear I was going to say it but the words never left my mouth and within a second, Niall and I were standing in my kitchen snogging.

That really didn't go as planned.


Harry kissed Niall, holy shit.

Guys, serious question, who tops? c;
I think Harry tops I mean, seriously HARRY TOPS OK.

The chapter will be continued from the party where I left off. I felt like leaving you on a slight cliffhanger would be fun. Hehe.

I'll update again ASAP. If you comment, and vote, and such, I'll more likely update quickly just saying. ;3

Stay golden, Ponyboy.

~Taylor :*

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