Chapter Twenty Nine

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Clarity was so easy at the hospital. She was quiet and content to sleep. However, the minute we got in the car that changed. I climbed in the back with her while Zack drove us home from the hospital. Her screaming wails refused to quit and giving her a binky only seemed to infuriate her. She calmed down when we got in the driveway.

Shortly after we got home, visitors began pouring in. It was nearing eight at night when everyone left. I sat down, hoping for a minute of quiet. Zack came up behind me, rubbing my shoulders, while Clarity napped in her little swing. The doorbell rang loud and clear. Zack ran over to quiet Clarity, whose little face scrunched up as she began to wail. I shuffled over to the door, exhausted. I opened it to find Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Ray.

"Hey, guys, long time no see!"I greeted with a smile on my face as I hugged each of them and invited them inside. They sat gift bags on the counter. "I brought you and Zack some McDonald's since I figured you haven't had much more than hospital food. Jamia wanted to come but Cherry and Lily are sick,"he explained as he handed me a bag and went to the living room.

They briefly overtook parenting while we ate. I snapped a quick photo of the group and heard Frank baby talking my daughter. "Oh my god! You are so tiny and cute!"he exclaimed happily. Josh was here helping all afternoon but he went to grab a shower at the hotel with my parents and siblings.

Awhile later, things were calm. I laid Clarity in her bassinet in our room before climbing in next to Zack. A few hours later, I felt Zack get up to feed Clarity but he let me sleep. I smiled slightly knowing that things would be different. He was such a good dad. A few more hours after that and I heard Clarity screaming. I went to get up at the same time Zack did. "Get some sleep Ryleigh, I got this,"he said. "No. It's my turn. You got up last time,"I said. Rather than argue, he went back to bed while I picked my daughter up and went downstairs to the living room to feed her.


3 months later...

Clarity hated photos. We had taken her newborn photos with a Fourth Of July theme when she was born in July. We've had a theme for each month. This month's was Halloween and we had planned for her to sit in a pumpkin. She hated it. Zack was out with the guys a lot. Josh was back and forth between our house and his apartment in Ohio.

Things were going pretty well though. Zack took on so many late nights with Clarity. "Zack, come on! We're late. Lisa wanted us at their farm for pictures almost thirty minutes ago,"I yelled up the stairs. I had Clarity in her car seat. Zack came running down the stairs in dark jeans and a red and black plaid shirt with Converse to match my outfit.

We made our way out to my SUV to go to Lisa's. I hoped Logan wasn't mad at me. I haven't talked to her much lately. So much was happening with tour especially when we found out she was alive. I had never cried harder in my life. I thought I lost her. She's only flown out once almost two months ago. Brendon was on break so they made it a family trip. Logan still hated going places alone and I can't blame her for that after all that happened.

I drove a few houses over to find Lisa and Alex waiting outside. I greeted them both with a hug. Alex kissed the top of my head and they went to hug Zack while I got Clarity situated in her baby b-jorn. We had a bit of a hike ahead of us. I tossed the diaper bag over my shoulders in case I needed it. Alex kept making funny faces at Clarity and caused her to giggle which made my heart swell in happiness. She was the light of my world.

Pictures could've went better. I couldn't get her to sit down without being in my arms. Deciding enough was enough, we walked back to their house. Lisa had warm apple cider for us to enjoy. Baz and Sebastian greeted us happily as we followed them inside. Zack entertained the puppy and talked to Alex while I stayed in the kitchen with Clarity on my lap and a mug of Apple cider in my free hand.

"So, how's you and Zack?"she asked, wiggling her eyebrows. I shrugged. She gasped. "That's no answer. Come on, you all must have some time alone,"she said. I shook my head no. He was always out and when he wasn't he had Clarity so I could rest. "Then you need a date night. Let Alex and I keep Clarity tonight. I have nieces and nephews. I'm experienced,"Lisa said. I went to argue my case but Lisa gave me a stern look that shut me up.

Zack and Alex chose that moment to come in. I looked at them with pleading eyes. "Hey, Lex, we're keeping Clarity tonight so Zack and Ryleigh can have a date night,"Lisa said. "Sweet!"Alex said, taking my giggling daughter from my arms. I sighed in defeat and made Zack follow me to the car. He refused to come inside and said he had to go in town first but to change into something nice.

I took the time to dress in a well fitting black dress that exposed my shoulders and some of my ribcage. I had showered and took time to curl my hair and do my makeup. I looked stunning if I must say so myself. Zack actually looked speechless when I came down the stairs. He was wearing a suit and handed me some flowers which I sat carefully on the table by the door before taking his hand. We had a nice dinner and saw a movie before going home. It was all my self control to not call Alex and Lisa.

At home, Zack and I got so drunk off wine we didn't think straight. We were just talking and drinking. Needless to say, I think you can imagine what happened behind our closed bedroom door. I kind of hate the ending myself but it started with an alright scene.

A month later, I found myself sicker than a dog on the bathroom floor. I wasn't prepared for what happened next. However, I couldn't blame Lisa and Alex. They only intended for us to have a night out, not for this to happen. Though, if we'd have had any clue what was coming then I would have stayed with my daughter. Our entire world was about to be obliterated.

A/N: Hey y'all! Happy Holidays! I'll try to keep this brief. The ending of this chapter is setting up the next chapter. I've had this planned awhile and I was going to keep writing and give you a long chapter but I have an early Christmas morning awaiting me. Plus, the next chapter is gonna leave you wanting to know what's next and it's not a chapter to read this close to Christmas as all the emotions will be flowing. I hope you enjoyed and I'll hopefully have the next up soon! Much love!


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