Chapter 12

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John: "wait!" I said while we were walking back to our seats.
John: "did you see the person who caught you?!"
Conductor: "no I didn't but I think it was just good luck." We were walking past each train car until we made it to one train car were they had toys. Old worn up toys to be exact.
Paul: "what's this place?"
Conductor: "it's just some train car with abandon toys in it" Paul picked up a doll which was dirty.
Paul: "I feel like I'm going to cry just seeing toys being treated like this way"
Conductor: "these toys are mostly puppets." Paul places the toy back down. The conductor and Paul left the room and left me all behind. While walking away to them, I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was a Scrooge puppet.
Scrooge: "you my friend are like me......A SCROOGE!" I gasp.
Scrooge: "Yes! A Scrooge! Santa Claus is all a joke!" I look up and see Brian holding strings to control it. He's trying to scare me!
Scrooge: "I know what you are.....A DOUBTER!!!!" At that point, I freaked out and ran away from the train car. I finally closed the door and made it back to the seating area where everybody's at. I was about to take my seat until I see Paul looking at the boy. I made my way towards her and went in the other train car. I hear the boy singing at the end of the train.
John: "what's going on?" Paul shushed me. [the song is above ⬆️]
???: "I'm wishing on a star, And trying to believe. That even thought it's far. He'll find me Christmas Eve. I guess that Santa's busy, 'Cause he's never come around, I think of him when Christmas comes to town" suddenly, George came out of nowhere.
George: "The best time of the year, When everyone comes home. With all this Christmas cheer, It's hard to be alone. Putting up the Christmas tree, With friends that come around, It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town........ Presents for the children wrapped in red and green"
???: "All the things I've heard about but never really seen"
George and ???: "No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve, Hoping Santa's on his way"
George: "Presents for the children wrapped in red and green
???: "All the things I've heard about but never really seen"
George and ???: "No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve, Hoping Santa's on his way"
George: "When Santa's sleigh bells ring."
???: "I listen all around"
George: "The herald angels sing"
???: "I never hear a sound"
George: "And all the dreams of the children"
???: "Once lost will all be found"
George: "That's all I want when Christmas comes to town"
George and ??? "That's all I want when Christmas comes to town".............

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