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The couple walked into the house nervously, Beyoncé's eyes were very puffy from all the tears. They were met with another set of teary eyed family members. It wasn't new that they were shunned from the family but it had never escalated to be so bad.

"Come here mija I'm so sorry this had to happen, I can never explain how deeply I'm sorry my mom is like that", Carlos pulled his daughter into a hug.

Beyoncé didn't respond she just began crying again, it hit her that she wasn't over it. Her aunt soon joined the hug taking her from her dad.

"I am sorry as well that's my horrible mom you had to deal with, the girls love you", her aunt said.

"Why do I feel like crying though it ain't even about me", Shawn admitted.

"Trauma brings the tears don't be afraid to join the cry fest you know Carlos out here crying too", Adriana responded.

"Y'all got me crying", Solange teared up.

"We look like one hot mess the girls just sitting confused as hell", Beyoncé wiped her tears, "come here Nini and Jane I gotta tell you something"

"Yes bey bey", Jane responded.

"I'm very sorry for what happened in the mall the lady is a bad girl. I promise nothing like that will happen again, I will always protect both you", she told them.

"Yeah girls I bet you recognized as grandma but she clearly isn't ready for that. If you ever see her in public and I'm not there you stick to whoever is taking care of you. One day when she is ready I'll let you know I'm very sorry you girls had to go through that", Adriana said, "I'm also really sorry Solo and Jay you had to deal with her too"

"No y'all good I've seen crazier in my fake dads family, that was nothing those other kids need to be in a psych ward", Solange stated.

"Thank god you're no longer near them I don't want you going through that much trauma", Carlos responded, "you know what we need a vacation"

"Vamos pa' la playa da' curarte el alma cierra la pantalla abre la medalla todo el mar caribe viendo tu cintura tú le coqueteas tú eres buscabulla y me gusta", Beyoncé sang swaying around.
(Lets go to the beach to cure your soul clpse the screen open the medal the entire carribean sees your waist you get cockey you are attention seeker and I like it... song lyrics so it doesn't sound like a reasonable sentence)

"What is playa?", Shawn asked.

"The beach that's Bey's favorite place in the world", Adriana said.

"I got a few places we can stay New Jersey, Florida, California, and Hawaii that's with in the country. Then we got Mexico, France, London, Jamaica and Italy if you want to be extra daring but flying is still gonna be expensivs.", Shawn offered.

"I like the idea of Hawaii, Florida, and Jamaica tropical is the way to go", Beyoncé said.

"And then your hair gets all frizzy you won't like it then, but it's freezing over here so anywhere warm", her aunt added.

"What you thinking Shawn?", Carlos asked.

"Mexico or Jamaica the weather is nice over there and the houses fit more people", he said.

"We're going to Mexico in March there is no point to go right now and you can come with us", Carlos told him.

"Jamaica it is who's in?", Shawn asked.

"How much?", Adriana asked.

"200 for you and your daughters and just pay for your meals. I got Beyoncé's and I cost and 100 for Mr. Knowles and Solo combined", he offered.

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