the train ride to Hogwarts

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Hermoine was in total shock! How had Percy caught the knife while he was asleep? She had so many question, a ton more than y'all could imagine. Finally she decided to stop thinking about it and ate her waffles (unfortunately not blue (O-O) when Percy walked calmly down the creaking stairs and Mrs Wealsley gave him his blue waffles and said ''I called Annabeth and your mother and Annabeth said Don't drown your waffles or pancakes and then Sally said be good and learn so magic.'' ''Ok and when you call em back please say i can't  drown neither can my waffles or pancakes'' She looked confused but nodded quickly and invited me to sit down. 

Later that day they were at king's cross and percy has a bag full of blue cookies so he does not have a tantrum on the train or it might be devastating for the wizards


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