Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall

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Percy walked to Transfiguration where the lesson was not as it seemed let me explain. 1st he got asked to sit at z front then got asked to transform into something so he did this a lynx and then he got an A** and then the weirdest thing happened she asked the class to turn into animals and then she turned into an Asian cat and then ended the class. ''what the hell just happened'' percy thought as he walked to the great hall for lunch. He sat in and saw Annabeth's owl coming towards Annabeth with 4 packages 2 for her and 2 for Percy. Percy opened the 1st one which was by Tyson and it was a watch that turned into a Pegasus 20000 the fasted broom. the second was Percy's daily intake on blue cookies which came in an airtight jar.

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