my evil grandpa's come to try to kill me

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"Grandchild join us and Hogwarts shall be saved. Join us and the lives of your people are saved.Join us and Sally will live forever." Said a raspy voice in my head.                                                     "Hey Kronos last time i checked you were still in the pits of hell."I replied only to hear an inhumane growl "Kronos the boy is weak leave him to me." This must be that Voldemort guy.From what I heard he's a Kronos levelled threat "YOU KNOW NOTHING OF THE DEMIGOD RACE WIZARD." Yelled Kronos. "WELL YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE WIZARD RACE TITAN." right so my grandparents are coming to go and try to kill me what else is new. "Will you 2 shut up. Your so high and mighty that you are arguing. Pfft where are your manners" With that they just left my head.


"KEEP YOUR GUARD UP"Yelled Percy. Clash,duck,block,slash. A dance of swords,spears,axe's and many more weapons. Clang. Harry's sword dropped to the ground and Ron started celebrating only to get punched in the gut. "Bloody hell mate, what'd you do that for?" Questioned Ron. Harry was about to reply when Percy said "Just because you disarmed Mr Potter doesn't mean you win. You have to go hand fight if you lose your weapons during a fight or it might cost you your life." He finished then stalked off to find more people to help. Then a growl followed Percy where a big black hound was standing behind him and the yellow eye's searching."Percy look out" Yelled Seamus only to be shocked as Percy took out a ballpoint pen. Uncapped it and then stabbed the hound before you could say d. "Well you're definitely a lot stronger than you look boy." Harry's face paled as he stuttered "V-V-V-Voldemort? H-H-How We killed you". Voldemort turned to see the look on the saviours of Hogwarts's face. "You could say I made a deal with the devil" He said before facing Percy Opened his mouth to say something before a raspy voice said "Grandson i see you've gotten. Mmm stronger you could say. But nerveless I am a titan. The titan lord to be exact.". This was not good.

Percy's Pov

This was not good I had just been training them with Thalia and Annabeth. "Oh well you still both look like overrated people I mean where is your nose Moldyshorts. Oh well if you've come to attack. Attack then. and maybe you might not look like weird people" oh well the worst thing that could happen is that im taken. "AVADA KEDBARA"Yelled Voldemort pointing his wand at me. "What's thing gonna do cover me in Christmas lights?" I was flung back but then I stood up and charged Kronos."IMPOSSIBLE" Yelled Voldemort before apparating away taking Kronos with him

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