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Before i start. Nobody commented what they said so I'm sad, I hope your happy with my decision and if not, Ya should of commented

"We Accept" We said in unison, Tears trickled down my face. "Then it is Final" Said Zeus before Two more Chairs appeared. "Uhm, Lord Zeus, i mean no disrespect but, who are the chairs for" Annabeth asked him confused. Then a white skinned man came out of knowhere. "Ahh the children of the all powerful Hisssss" When he tried to say gods Hades had made him go back to where he came from . "They are for you." Hades said to them. "Annabeth, We have all agreed to make you Olympian goddess of Battle Strategy, Intelligence And Mental Health. She looked at me nervously before growing to her full height to sit on her throne. "Percy, We have all agreed to make you Olympian god of, Loyalty , Hero's, and Fatal flaws. And Minor god of Water and Riptides." He nervously glanced around and saw Hestia sitting on the floor Frowning. "Lord Zeus, I have a question." Percy started "I want to know, why Hestia and Hades don't have thrones?" Zeus glanced around nervously before saying "Let me guess, U want them to have thrones." He nodded before lifting his hands and making two thrones Appear. 

"You'll Never beat me, Perseus Jackson." Snarled Echidna.  She tried to Jab at me but i blocked using my arm. Ichor trickled from the wound. She paled a lot "You accepted" She stammered knowing she was no match for a god. "Bye bye" Percy said to her before slashing her head off.

Well They accepted

percy Jackson grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now