Percy's boggart.

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After Ron passed out of fear. I leapt in front of the boggart. It transformed into... Tartarus, holding  a- WHY IS HE HOLDING RED COOKIES. I growled at the boggart. of course it changed to the things i hated most. Then Annabeth was by my side and then it got confused. Sometimes it was a huge spider holding Tartarus, sometimes a huge spider eating red cookies. We raised our wands and in a flash of non-verbal magic. It turned into a teddy bear holding a huge plate of blue cookies. It then transformed into, Voldemort and Kronos, together. In one form. This was new. "What's happening" asked Hermione. It then turned into what every thought was the devil with golden eyes. It was battling two figures. Suddenly one of them turned to the other and blasted them, before flashing away. Little did we know. One of them was in the class. Disguised as a student. It turned away before turning into Everybody's fears. Percy nearly fainted at it. Gaia was there standing next to Voldemort, Tartarus,Kronos Hyperion, Arachne a Basilisk and many more. The worst thing, All of the people who died or sacrificed themself in the wars. "R-i-idikulus" I stammered turning it into a pile of blue cookies. But the damage was done. Everybody watched in fear as i fell to the ground, Nightmares already rushing to me

In Percy's Nightmares

I watched as the seven stood next to me. We were on top of half-blood hill and gaia was rising. "Foolish demigods. Your camp is nothing compared to me" She screeched at us before picking up Leo. "Now for the 1st thing i've wanted to do for a while"She started before snapping his neck. Tears streamed down my face but i stayed strong. 

She had killed them all. Even my wise girl. "YOU'LL DIE FOR THAT" I roared before lunging at her, hoping to kill. We fought for a while until i had summoned a full on hurricane. Poseidon watched worried as my hurricane kept growing soon, Gaia was begging for mercy. "Please don't kill me." Were her last words as i drove Riptide into her stomach turning her into sand. I then collapsed in pain. 

"Percy Jackson we gods owe you a debt. All of us swear on the river styx to bring back the seven" My eyes light up in excitement. They were coming home. But at that moment the fates flashed in. They were holding a golden string. "It cannot be done. Only 1 shall be bought back." .

My eyes stung as i said Annabeth Chase. I had betrayed my friends was what i thought. I couldn't save them. The golden string transformed into a grey string that was halfed. If by magic. It fixed and Annabeth was staring at me.

"As our last gift was so rudely interrupted" Said Zeus whilst glaring at the fates. "All of us agree to make you both gods." I looked at Annabeth and said two words "We.....

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percy Jackson grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now