Quiditch practise

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Annabeth opened her package which was a firebolt 20 with in air WiFi (just in case she wanted to stream percy Jackson for any reason whiles't flying) and an Envelope which contained 10 Drachmas for IM's (IM's is Irish Messages)and she gave 5 to Percy without anybody seeing. Then Harry trudged over and asked Percy and Annabeth if they were going to do Quiditch training and they didn't have to reply because harry noticed there brooms (Yes percy turned his watch into his Pegasus 20000 but they both said firebolt 20 to not be suspicious as they would be if it said Pegasus 20000 the fastest broom alive 100000 faster than the firebolt's it would be so suspicious well back to the story)  and he walked away with a look of stupidity on his face. 


Quiditch practise starts in 5 minutes as Percy and Annabeth ran towards the Quiditch arena and mounted their brooms faster than you could say Quiditch and Harry walked into the arena and mounted his broom and asked who wanted to be who. Percy and Annabeth said together ''we'll try EVERYTHING even seeker'' Harry's heart sank when they said this. He wanted to keep his seeker spot but didn't care he was getting rusty at it. They tried chaser 1st and scored 100 points before Harry caught the snitch. Then 2nd they were beaters and stopped the scorers every time from scoring. Then the dreaded moment came. Seeker. Harry raised off in pursuit of Percy who had eyes on the snitch when he suddenly lost attention? And harry caught the snitch? Percy smiled at Harry and rode off back to the Dormitory 

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