The question is.. To be or not to be

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Piper was asked the question from Chiron. She missed Annabeth and figured this was the time to see her again. but then she'd have to meet the flirty wizards. She accepted but made an oath to kill anybody who flirted with her in her presence... (Piper's gone psycho)

"Annabeth, will you be my girlfriend?" Harry asked as she was alone. Percy heard it but he had faith in Annabeth "No Potty you are to weak and insufficient to me my boyfriend, My current boyfriend had done more than you could ever IMAGINE." she simply replied then walked off leaving a relieved Percy and a disappointed Harry. "What do you want scum bag" growled Harry as Percy walked past him. "What did i do today?"groaned Percy in response.

"WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT DID YOU DO" screamed Harry. "YOU FILLED MY SOULMATE'S HEAD WITH JUNK IS WHAT YOU DID." I think Harry forgot something.                                                                      "Harry Potter that is 50 points from and a detention with me tonight Gryffinidor"

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