Part Five

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A'Mariell (December 10th)
I shook my leg , irritated. I've been at the car shop since 4 , it was now going on 7 the car needed more then expected done so I was still without which irritated me more , cause I hated depending on people . Finally Tae's car pulled up , we've been talking more &' more he's been trying to get to know me, but ever since Zay said what she said I've been holding back from him . I'm not easy &' he wasn't going to get anything from me without working for it . If you want to have me , you have to deserve to have me my mom always told me that . I hopped in his car , attitude filled .
"Don't get in here &' not speak or nun." He complained , I sighed "Wassup Tae?" I greeted him slouching in my seat . "What's wrong na? It's like every time you get around me you got an attitude." He told me pulling out the car shop's parking lot
"It's not you." I told him truthfully, I ran my hand down my face . "I'm just ready to get on my feet." I added , sighing . He smacked his lips "What you mean? You got a house , you got a car , you stable." He told me , turning down a street. I shook my head "Dats my brother house, my brother car. I'm just living off him , God forbid but if anything happens to him I'm just fucked." I complained , palming my face . Tae stopped at a red light , grabbing my hand from my face making me look at him .
"You never gon be fucked , believe it or not I'm hea for real." He said . The car behind us blew the horn we both looked up seeing the green light
"Ima wait right hea til it's red again since niggas wanna honk." He said putting his car in park . I laughed at him shaking my head at his pettiness the car continued honking until the light was green again &' Tae jerked the car .
"You hungry?" He asked me over his music, I nodded . "Yea I gotta couple dollars on me we can go to McDonald's or sum." I told him pulling my purse from the backseat , he nodded pulling into the nearest McDonald's. "Awh na. I ain't waiting in dis line." He said looking at the cars stacked up behind each other . "It's okay I'll go in what do you want?" I asked him , sticking my phone in my pocket . "I'll just go in witchu my baby." He said back taking his keys out the ignition , we both exited the truck making our way into the restaurant .
"Hi welcome back to McDonald's what can I prepare fresh for you?" The elderly lady asked us . I took a quick look at the menu , already knowing what I wanted . "Okay can I geeettt ..." I said before pausing. "Can I get a 10 piece nugget , sweet &' sour , Buffalo &' ranch." I told her , she nodded tapping down on the screen in front of her . "2 cheeseburgers no onions no pickles &' a small fry." I added before looking at Tae . "Lemme get a McDouble extra ketchup wit a large fry . No salt." He told her .
She rung him up before telling us our total .
"11.56 is your total today anything else I could get ya suga?" She asked me , I smiled &' shook my head no . "No ma'am were all set." I told her hanging her a 20 dollar bill &' 56 cents, she cashed me out gave my receipt &' my change.
"So you paid for our first date , whatchu wanna do for our second?" Tae questioned me while were waiting for the food , I laughed at him."Boyyy we can-" I was interrupted by a red head .

(Noel ^^^ *the red head*)"Tae so lemme find out dis da reason I'm not gettin no answers

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(Noel ^^^ *the red head*)
"Tae so lemme find out dis da reason I'm not gettin no answers." She told him , now in his face she looked back at me &' gave me the most stank look .
"Uhuh don't do dat." I told her , giving her the same look back. "Girl I'll whoop yo ass in McDonald's, mind yours." She replied back to me . I was taken back "Bitch you not finna do shit, ion even know you for real . Doing allat over a nigga dat don't answer you." I said back , causing her to turn around &' face me. "Who not finna do shit?" She questioned me , I slapped her . I didn't even mean to , it just happened . I felt threatened I didn't know what else to do , Tae looked just as surprised as me .
"I know bitches ain't slap me!" She yelled getting loud , Tae got in between us . "Y'all not finna do dis in here." He told me more so then her . "We really not." I said back , grabbing my food pushing past them. "You not safe outchea bitch , you got saved today!" The red head yelled as I walked away .
"I'm safe everywhere, I go where I want I'm good." I sung , turning around using my back to open the door . "Shut the fuck up bro, why you even still going back &' forth?" Tae questioned me with an attitude, I scrunched my face up at him . "Bitch I'm not talking to you why it matter?" I asked back before getting pushed up against the truck . "Bro watch yo mouth for real ." He told me looking me in my eyes . I gave him the dullest look , Marlon snatched me up all the time this was something I was used to . "Tae ." I stated .
"Get yo ass off me for real . Fore' I show my ass in dis parking lot ." I threatened, pulling his hands off me. "Gone head the fuck, you done already showed it in da fuckin place." He screamed in my face . I could tell he was upset by his energy, but upset with me for what? The red head bitch came at me over him . I should be screaming in his face. "I had every reason too, you got hoes in my face!" I screamed back in his face . He mushed my chest back a little , making me get out his personal space . "Man dese bitches can do what dey want, you ain't my girl." He said nonchalantly . I frowned at him "&' I never will be." I said back pulling the door to his car, getting in.
He was completely right I wasn't his girl , we had zero ties I don't even know why I got out of character like that ... actually I do , bitches had me fucked up. I could've kept my hands to myself but she could've kept her words to Tae .

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