Chapter 5: Troubling Signs

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****Harry's POV****

Gold light blooms from his palms as he finishes the final coat for the new blade he was creating. Magnus sat beside him on the couch, the warlock keeping the clientele sitting in front of them busy. As the High Warlock of Alicante, Magnus had expanded his services to a great number of shadowhunters now, which les to a change in what was usually asked of him.

Where clients in New York might have asked for their broken heart to be healed, a potion to cure drunkenness, or a complicated good luck charm, shadowhunters were another story entirely. The nephilim unsurprisingly had different tastes. Some of which included blades with enhanced critical hit rates, healing salves made to repair injuries, and portals to places that could very well be on the other side of the planet.

This led to Harry getting invited over to the Loft to help make some brand new blades. Lucian Graymark sat in front of them. The man that Maryse Lightwood was currently dating had a smile on his face and a drink in hand as he talked. The beard that he had lost after transforming back into a Shadowhunter had slowly grown back, allowing the man to retain that ruggedly handsome look everyone was so used to seeing.

"So, I heard you and Maryse went on a vacation recently. How did that go?" Magnus asked.

Harry listened in on their conversation while he worked, though he was a little too busy to contribute to it much. On the glass table there were already ten blades just like the one he was making now, the pommels of them glinting golden in the light of the fireplace off to the side. The crackling flames were a gentle background noise that was relaxing to here.

"Haha it went well. Maryse wasn't fully on board with it at first, but we did some deep sea diving together. It was pretty amazing, all the aquatic life down there." Luke explained.

"That's wonderful news. Tell me you have pictures." Magnus said hopefully.

"Of course I do. Though the photos we took underwater might be a little blurry." Luke said.

"Nonsense. A little warlock magic should solve that problem." Magnus said. One ring clad finger tapped the photos Luke held out. A burst of blue light bloomed onto each of them, ridding them of blurriness so their clarity was maximized. The two spent a few minutes chatting over them, just enough time for Harry to finish up with the last blade.

"Finished. Tell me what you think Luke." Harry held out the sword to the former werewolf. Luke accepted it easily, his left hand testing the weight of the blade.

"I think it's great. Alec and Magnus didn't tell me that you were a black smith Harry. I must say I'm impressed with your work." Luke told him sincerely.

Harry's wings fluttered behind him at the praise, a grin stretching across his face. How long had it been since his craftsmanship had last been admired? To him, it felt like much too long. So to here these words from Luke made him feel very pleased to say the least.

"Thanks! It's been a long time since I've been able to work on swords. Back when I was Wayland the Smith, I had this massive forge, right in the heart of a volcano. Ah, those were the days." He reminisced.

Harry could still remember the place fondly. His forge had been in the very volcano near the Iron Sister's forge. The place had been scorching hot, but oh so magnificent. The weapons he had made their had been like nothing anyone had seen before. Carson had went with him several times too, her skilled hands making some many masterpieces alongside his own. As his parabatai, and his wife, and someone who had once considered joining the Iron Sisters as a little girl, Carson Whitelaw (eventually Carson Wayland) had been an amazing partner to have. Harry missed her dearly with each year that passed. She would always hold a piece of his heart no matter what, that much was for certain.

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