Chapter 2: Party Girl

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Break is the wrost I'm busy helping my step mom , curwela with every Landry, dishes , and cooking , it's hard .

But my dad is madly in love and as long as he's happy I'm happy for him .

Phone rings in bedroom up stairs  as I was carrying the clothes upstairs, I ran  towards my room in a almost drive attempt to try to catch it.,"

I asked

" hey sai were are u ,"
Jojo ask

" home it's cleaning day ,"
I explained

" ouch , well gets something cute on I'm coming to get u "
Jojo demands

" you kno I'm not aloud out past 11 what's up Jojo, it's cleaning day!" I explained

" less talking more changing I'm on my way "
Jojo yells

While I was getting dressed I had  a bad feeling that Jojo was up to something but I put it in the back of my head ,Jojo is always getting me into her crazy scheme . But she's like a sister to me so I'm always end up taking the bait.

" hey Jojo where are u "
I asked when I called her phone

( I told my dad I was spending time with Jojo so he let me borrow his cheap , trap phone in case of emergency I had 10$ in talk time, my dad is very overprotective)

" get her "
A voice yelled from behind me

Next than I knew I was being throw into a black car against my will.

" hey Jojo where are u taking me , !!!"
I yelled as I realize my kidnappers

" I told u she was going to wear something ugly "
Raina said as she stared at my outfit from the back of the car

" hurry up and change into this "
She explained

" what's wrong with what I got on"
I asked

" it's a costume party u can't wear that ! "
Raina yelled

"Well u didn't let me kno ,"
I poured as she handed me some clothes in a bag ,

" come one silly change already ,"
Raina usher as she grab my hand and begin to help me into the outfit.

"Not until u let me kno we're are we going"
I protest

" let's just say Jojo caught wind of a senior party and we were invited "
Raina said in excitedment as she hold up the bag

" senior party u mean college !"
I asked
" no high schoool isn't this great "
Jojo yelled from the font seat

" but my dad will kill me I'm not suppose to be near high school boys "
I explained as Raina drags me into the outfit

" yea , but how else will we know the competition if we don't go , beside I heard dark angels we'll be their"
Raina explains

" you love their songs"
Jojo reply

" correction I love one of their songs"
"Wait dark angels let's go!"
I said in excitement as I begin to put the out fit on.

" I told u she would be in when she heard "
Raina said

"Ummm Raina I love ur fashion skills but don't u think this is a little revealing , "
I said holding my non existing boobs up , I was wearing a one piece full body cat suit on that was hand made by Raina she's always making clothes for us it's her passion . The outfit was all black with tight leather on it as well as revealing places , and a cat mask.

"What are u talking about u look great "
Raina says in excitement

" now wear u mask ! "
Jojo yelled as she threw the mask towards my face.

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