Chapter 14 : taz the little devil

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( from Jojo point of view )

Every since saiharu has became taimiru toy she's been doing his homework and following him around like a fan girl she isn't herself . I don't like him , he has that smell about him you kno that I'm popular guy smell .

He might be nice but is his nicest for real . I worry about saiharu because she might get her heart broken and I fear for my friend.

As I went towards my class I noticed that we also got some new students 3 guys and one girl , the guys were Rikku , Jentai and Elliot and we had a new gurl who made me want to deck her twice cherry . I don't really know much about them except saiharu doesn't like cherry .

Jenati is a bit of a quiet boy on and ellliot won't leave me alone he keeps following me every where asking me questions that even a kind boy won't asked .

Saiharu and Raina don't kno it , but I got a bf . His name is taz he's my little devil . I didn't want to tell saiharu because she always calling guys monster I was afraid she wouldn't understand we have been dating for at least 2 months . He come over my house and kicked it for a min and than he would be gone .

Long distance was hard but we made it work he understood me , so well . He was a ex gang member as well so he knew my dark side .

So when he asked for sex I though nothing of it . I mean that's what most guys want .

After we did it , he grabs me
" why do U wear guy clothes "
He asked creasing my breast

" why are you asking so many questions today god ur acting like him"
I said remember long the hundred times Elliot ask that.

" whose him "
He asked

" you cheating on me "
He replied

" if I was you act as if I would tell u "
I said as he kiss me

" you probably wouldn't that's why I like u "
Taz said as he grab me

I stated to have flash back

" not to close I told him "

" I'm your bf , why don't u let me hold u for longer , what the fuck as I your little sercet "
He said as he push me away

" it's not like that taz I just don't like all that mushy stuff "

" you wasn't saying that when I was fucking you"

" taz wait "

"My phone begin to ring it was saiharu
" shh be quiet "
I said I didn't want her to kno that I just lost my v card , it's hard telling ur non virgin friends that

" don't you dare answer that , why can't your friends kno about me ! I can't take this shut jo"
He said as he ran out the door and hopped on his bike

" taz wait !"

He got on his bike and left me their , he was my frist , and he just left me their I'm not girly girl but I do have emotion I play tuff . But I do want someone to love me for me . I admire saiharu because she could be herself and not care what ppl think she was a free sport and her I was chained by my past .

I couldn't really let someone kno the real me . Because I was afraid of getting hurt in return . And now taz has been hurt by me .

The next day at school , Raina and sai were talking and I caked up with this great idea to tell them the truth about taz

Without thinking the conversation was about something wired and I just said it

" yea I got a bf "

Saiharu drop her fork and Raina just stared

0 no way since when

" two months ago "

" u never told me "

" how far have y'all went "

" all the way I said

" what jealous you never tell us anything "

Losing my virginity wasn't a big deal , but I could tell
Saiharu was upset I didn't tell her anything
I mean she my best friend

" here I am worry about me and my best friend has a bf , what his name ? "

" taz" it felt good to speak to them so I told them everything

" yea Jojo your in the wrong "
Raina said

" he's you bf he doesn't feel like it "

" how about this maybe you should show him you care about him without him being the frist "

I'm not too used to that I don't even kno the frist step . I thought to my self

After school I took my bike and head out toward the high end clubs . It's were I frist meant taz . Most ex gangsters hang here . As I walked in the door I could see taz taking back a few snots .


I said
As he I Came up to himI felt my rage kicking in

, this chick came up to him flirting , with one kick I took her out and grab him and kissed him .

He kissed me back

" look I'm messed up I don't want you to kno about my past yet but I want my friends to kno about u , no more hiding cuz I like you okay!"

" this is why we belong together too crazy jo "

He kissed me back and I felt like a little girl in his arms we weren't perfect a long distance relationship but he love me and that was all that mattered.

He was my little devil.

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