Chapter 9 : enter twins

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Middle school was going pretty good every since I cut my hair , I could see people but I refuse to wear makeup. Theirs steps u have to take and I wasn't ready to walk them . I like being me , I didn't want someone to like me because I change, I wanted someone to expect me for who I am.

As I walked towards my second period class , I ran into the twins , ima and angel . They are infurnial twins . Angel had light pink hair with warm cranberry eyes and ima had dark cranberry hair with light pink eyes . They are always hanging around each other but they are so different. Angel was you averaged nerdy girl .

Many people thought she was annoying because of her high pitch voice but if u get to kno her you would see she's a really sweet and great friend. Ima is miss smart gurl , I swear that one day she will become a doctor. She's like my big sister always giving me advice and helping me with things.

Whenever I went to sec period I would talk to them about life stuff.

" hey sai what's up you cut your hair"
Ima said

" yea jelly did it for me , I'm trying to debut"

" ummm okay , so how's things going with ur crush" Ima asked as she pushed my loss hair over

" yeaaaaaaa not to welll" I said as I made it back messes again

All of my closest friend knew I had a crush on him shoot half the school knew , it was just hard for me to tell him

" well homecoming is coming up, you going"
Angel asked

"Idk , I'm not used to that type of attention?"
I said looking towards my feet again some how the floor bought me comfort

" well u got to get out of ur bubble somehow"
Ima yell

" your right!"
I reply

Class went on and everybody was busy home coming was bigger than it was in middle school kids hang out and taimiru had the game it was supposed to be a big event.

It was also taimiru birthday, I didn't kno what I was going to do . Or if it was even right to give you crush something I was working on a cross necklace my mother taught me . She told me that if I had someone special to give it to them.

I work hard on it , left and right it was hard , after finally finishing it I put it on a hand made chain . I wanted to give it to him .

So I decided to go , next thing I know I got a call from Jojo .

" hey saiharu ! You going to the homecoming game it's going to be big " Jojo asked

" umm I'm thinking about it "
I reply

" I heard dark angels is preform mid game"
Jojo insisted

" after what happen last time I don't think I want to deal with them"
I remember

" what happen?"
Jojo asked with confusing I had completely forgot to fill her in my sexually harassment case.

" nevermind , is Raina going ?" I asked

" yea she's already on her way she said some friends of hers pick her up"Jojo said

" oh okay well I guess I'll get ready , meet u their at 8 Jojo"

As I gather my stuff and put on a cute outfit I was ready for battle . Now all that was left was to ask for a ride from my dad

" ummm dad can u drive me to the home coming game"

" home coming game my Baby is growing up you never wanted to go to those things"my dad said as he grabbed his keys

" it's just my friends will be their "
I asked nervously

" hmm if u going than I guess take the emergency phone just in cast something happens"dad said as he threw me his old nikoa phone

I hop on the back of my dads motorcycle and he rode me their my dad is part of this motorcycle club that he's proud of. So he's always showing his bike off.

" you be safe no boys "he yelled as he drove off he reminded of Oscar off of the proud family

I agreed with him as I walked towards the crowd, It was different from a high school party. Their was more people and we were on a foot ball statium. I went towards the crowd as if I was being downed I notice my gang of friends near the band waving at me.

"Hey guys "I said

" I didn't think you would have made it "
Jojo yelled with a up to no good smirk

"Trust me I was coming "

As the game begin I noticed taimiru on the field dress in his football uniform . He looked so handsome I begin to cheer as our team was in the leaded . My eyes were glued to him as the gang stare at the game.

" hey sai it's taimiru birthday what u get him"Raina asked with a smile staring at my pockets

" what make u think I got him something "
I said as I stuff my shameful homemade gift into the fare below depths of my pockets

" cus ur grabbing ur bag major hard "Raina said as she eyed me

" it's nothing speacial he might not even like it "
I reply

" how would u know if u don't try , the game is almost over . "
Raina said raising her hands hi cheering

" ladies and gentlemen let us introduce the dark angels"
A guy yelled

It was my frist time seeing the dark angels out in person they were in a disguise I don't think anyone had seeen their real faces , the leader was big on keeping his identity a secret. Maybe because he was a jerk who always with a different girl.

They begin to sing and it light a fire in my heart. It was my favorite song by them.

Little girl


little girl with ur eyes as sad
Grab my hand and I lead you somewhere
Where u can see the world and moon condole

Little girl you are beautiful don't you kno that I see you as more than just a shy girl

Follow me threw this misty woods hold my hand and never let go

As long as you love me
Than I know what I have to do

No longer are you a little girl , you eyes are full of so much hope . You follow your own path and I find it hard to keep up

You are now a woman and no longer are you in love with me .

you are in love with yourself
You follow yourself
You leave me their in the woods

And I cry

Follow me threw this misty woods hold my hand and never let go

As long as you love me
Than I know what I have to do

As long as you love me.


I wasn't expecting that song but it was like it spoke to me. They left the field and disappeared in the crowd.

I begin to look for taimiru and he was on the field to whip the floor with the other team they were tied and their was only a couple mins left in the game . Taimiru got the ball past from Hamilton he begin to run. And all I could think about was him making that touch down .

He made it and the crowd scream it was so cool . He was so cool . It was at that moment that I decided to give him my
Gift . I ran to the back were the team was at . But it started to rain as I got closer towards the crowd. I notice taimiru back I ran towards him . But what I saw change me .

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