Chapter 16 : apound the stars

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The gang gets to the fair all dressed up when we get their I see ritsu and a guy standing alone.

Raina hide behind me trying not to loss her mind.

" hey ritsu"

She yells arkward

" hey , "

" we're taimiru ?"

" he's behind u "

Taimiru had glasses on and a outfit to disguise himself from the crowd of faces .

" let's go sorry I'm late i boughty friends along so we can pair off in groups "

Tai grab my hand and beginning leading me towards the crowd

A guy tried to go up to Raina but Jojo grab his jacket and leaded him
Off so Raina and ritsu could be alone .

" hi"
She says
" hey"
He reply

As ritsu and Raina begin going their separate ways the group was split.

Taimiru and me went to the bumper cars to play it was super fun as we got off the cars I could tell that taimiru was a little queasy .

I went to go get him something to eat and I bump into Rikku and cherry .

" what are you doing her ? "

" that is none of your busses "

" are you on a date , wow looks rin rin she's on a date "

" I am not ! " I yelled with the ice scream in my hand

Taimiru came up behind me .
I drop his ice scream on accident

" I'm sorry let me go get you another "

"He looked at me and said no need "

And he licked my ice scream my mind went blank .

" you kno your cute with long hair "

I couldn't think the hottest guy in school was calling me the ugliest girl in school cute.

I knew he liked long her girls for a while that's why I grew my hair .

Rikku and cherry stare in angry

Cherry pushed me out the way and grab tais arm

" come on let's hang together what do u say saiharu "

She glared at me like you bet it say no

" sure the more the better
Rikku offer to help me up but I refused his hand

As we camped to a shooting game I asked tai to help me win something cute , he tried shooting but he suck at it .

Let me try

" rikku I want that "

The booth tender said it was simple beat your opponent it was time against Rikku I begin to shoot like a mad woman Rikku left no window for losing back and font until we lose track of time .

" your always winning "

" and your always losing as always "

" not fair "

" umm do u too kno each other ur acting like best friends "

" no we don't"
I lied , I didn't want him to kno about my past with Rikku

Next it was on to the next ride .

The haunted house we got to the entrance and cherry grab tais hand and lead him
Towards the door we were separated again .

Rikku told me let's go

In the haunted house , it was super scary but , I was to busy worry about myself I forgot that Rikku was afraid of the dark ,

Bang out of nowhere the power went off and we was separated from the cowered .

We sat back to back as we waited

" hey you okay ? "

He was slient he was always afraid of the dark when we was kids the only way to charm him
Down was to

:// I look aloud the stars every day——
Hoping I will see his face —-
These memeories in said my head
Rips my heart apart

Throw in the trash and reserve back again
But not even the
Look in his eyes can help me see the fate

To live again
To breathe again
To see see see that sweet air of loved

Now that you here
I am no longer afraid
Of those states
Can u see I'm scared of how I feel
Cuz I am in loveeeeeeeed

./// I stop
Rikku was looking at me in my face

" sai , "

I remember us being yong I remember going to his house when he was scared and singing him a song .

I didn't want to remember because it was painful ...

" you feel better now ?"

Let's get out of here .

The lights had canes back on sometime threw my song .

" your really good at singing you should become a singer "

" that's your dream?"

" I thought It was our dream"

I stop .

Was he playing with me again

" rikku !"

" saiharu "

" you guys okay "

Cherry hold her brother as he pushed her away .

Taimiru notice we was holding hands and he had that mad face again .

" let's go on the next ride "

" wait for us "

" hey taimiru you okay"

" not as good as you , you just wag your tail at everybody your my toy!"

He yelled

I never seen him so made

" your just like all the others , "

He left me their at the fair by myself I didn't kno what I did to make him
Mad but he was really mad .

I didn't get to sing him my song.

I was so confused when I close my eyes I keep seeing Rikkus red eyes looking at me .

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