Chapter 5: Girl in a Guys Uniform

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It's only been a week since school has started and high school has been pretty great . No one has really bully me as much as middle school and I manage to exaspe my childhood nick name shit face or so I thought every time Layla sees me .

Let's just say that , that name has been with me sinces middle school when one of my classmates miss pronounce shita . I believed around that time I meant Jojo.

Me and Jojo have been friends forever but back than I was way more insecure about my looks . It all started with a game of football.

My parents had me and my mosnter of a brother in afterschool daycare. It was horrible all I wanted was to go home and sleep and I had to stay at a school that was filled with nothing but evil teachers .

Their was this gurl called Ren who would get away with everything because he mom and dad was a teacher. Back than I had no friends it was hard for me to make lasting friendships being that I was socially awkward. Ren would tease me and make fun of me the only one who stood up for me was taimiru , back than that's how I grew to have a huge crush on him.

Ren had gather her gurl group and they made us play a friendly game of foot ball. It was the one thing I was good at,  running , and playing ruff. I had my 6 brothers to thank for that.

The game begin with Ren teammates  tackling my face in . I believe that was the frist time I had enough , the girls on the other team were strong but I wasn't giving up . Their was a person on the other team in boys clothes that keep tackling me down no matter how hard I fought .

I ran left and miss , next thing I knew I was getting hit by heavy shoulders.

" move out of my way whimp"
The person yell

" oh yea your going down"
I was finally getting into the spirt

I rain backwards and begin to knock my opponent off their feet's
The person staying in front of me was
A girl though she was wearing guy clothes she looked at me like hitting her was a taboo.

" lucky hit she said "

" whatever you kno I won"
She took my gesture of helping her up only to tackle me back down .

Friends that's what I made that day and that's how me and Jojo became friend buy at frist being rivals . I would never forget her smiling after whipping the floor with me.

Ren looked in disgust,

" look girls the dike is playing with the ugly chick "

She said laughing ,

" bitch what did u say?"
Jojo look as if she was about to throw hands before she could

I reached backed and knocked the shit out of Ren, it was the frist time I hit someone and it felt good.

As soon as I did throw a hit  a group of girls surround me and being to fight me but I wasn't alone Jojo jumped in to help me . We defeated the gurls .

All bruised up me and Jojo sat in the detention hall , while little miss prefect parents bailed her out .

We knew at that time we would be become best friends .

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