Chapted 6: The Sciene Girl

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I was getting used to the school life and being taimiru science parnter. But I wasn't used to the spot light that comes with. when I walked down the hall, I could feel all eyes on me.

" is that the girl who's taimiru parnter she so ugly"

Their word set fire to my heart as I begin to crawl into my shell.

Who is she? She so ugly? All that set wind to my heart as I ran down the hall way to find a place to hide from the staring eyes I notice taimiru in the door talking  to a girl name Elizabeth .

Together they looked like celebrities and mean while I look like a hobo asking for .

As I begin to hide in a corner I retreated within my mind. I'm ugly he doesn't like me he's just nice to everybody.

As I began to melt in my insecurities I heard a voice.

" hey shita you coming to class ,"
Taimiru says behind me


He was standing behind me the whole time worry if I was coming.

I got up and for the frist time I wanted to look him in the eyes but he was too bright for me.

" sure,"
I said as he went towards class.

He lead me towards class , I followed behind not trying to be too close as I got close to the door . I notice people staring . He guide me to the desk and we begin classs I could see Raina staring like she wanted to kno.

She passed me a note that said " hey, you and taimiru sure are late to class what happen"

I wanted to write something but that would be my own imagination the turth was this

" nothing , he was just being nice"

As I handed the note to Raina , I could feel taimiru's blue eyes staring at me like he was left out.

I paid attention to class without looking in his direction.

When the belled ring I ran towards the cafeteria.

(From someone ielse point of view )

" hey taimiru , why you hanging with that nerd so much,"
Henry asked

" she interesting "
Taimiru reply

" we been in the same
Class for years and I don't ever remember seeing her eyes , don't u wonder what she looks like"
Taimiru reply

" I can tell you ugly"
A guy said looking at taimiru

" you don't have to be a jerk? "
Taimiru says in angry

" shhhh nice guy "
Henry reply

As taimiru heads towards the door , ritsu follows behind

" I never seen u take interest in anybody lately ? "
Ritsu asked

" she's interesting "
Taimiru reply

" we're have u been lately anyway"
Taimiru ask

" what do u mean ? "

" you been disappearing a lot after class , got a gf?"

Taimiru snickers

" I don't have time for that? " ritsu reply

" sure thing mister serious " taimiru alights

Meanwhile ...

(Back to saiharu)

Lunch was over and I barely ate anything Jojo was talking about how she got detention for hitting a guy who touch her ass in the hall.

" he grab my ass what did he expect me to say hi, high school guys are off the wall"

Jojo said in angry

" yea there are ...this random guy kept blocking me at my class door "
Raina reply

" hey sai u okay "
Raina asked

" what do u mean guys are monsters "
I said with no energy

" umm sai I didn't feel that one , what's wrong u been mopping around all day"
Jojo asked

" I just don't feel like I'm like  u guys , I mean you guys are debuting so well with the guys and I still can't formate  a sentence with taimiru "
I complain

" well, instead of complaining about it do something , ! "
Raina yelled at mead she storm away

I didn't think about my words she works so hard to the point she barely eats and here I am complaining. I'm such a jerk friend .

" yup the face of utter defeat I smell, " Jojo said as she look at me .

" you need confidence and u can't get that from hiding from the world sai , one day you will change but u have to want it for yourself , "
Jojo said

" hey Jojo. Can u do me a flavor "
I said as I looked at those nasty frozen peas

" sure what is it"
Jojo asked

" can u cut my bangs "
I said with no hesitation

" wait ur serious finally , I know just the girl to do it for u "
Jojo reply as she dragged me half way across the school

As we walked the halls we got to the locker room the most girly place in The Whole school
. Jojo convince Raina to help with some clothes

" Raina I'm sorry , I didn't think about your feelings you worked really hard to change yourself for the guy you love and here I am complaining about a crush not seeing me "
I told her

" it's cool sai , I kno u don't mean too thank you ,, for trying now let's get started ."
Raina says in excitement

" this is jelly my cuz And friend she does really good hair"
Raina explains

"Y'all have fun I'm going to the gym to play ball"
Jojo said as she headed for the door

" hi my name is jelly so ur the gurl who needs a makeover "
She begin to cut my hair and change my bangs she left my hair long because I love it long .

When she was done she put makeup on me and  Raina fix up my uniforms.

" I am casting a spell " jelly said as she put lip stick on me ,

" the magic will last as long as the makeup was on. what do u think?"
Jelly said as she hold up a mirror

The spell was cast but as I stared in the mirror all I could see is ugly.

Jelly grab my hand and lead me towards the stairs

" go ahead show off"

Walking in high heels wasn't my thing , I started to walk threw the hall way but my confidence was destroyed with no bangs to hide behind all I could do was look down ,
I notice taimiru coming down the hall I begin to run the opposite way only to get tripped up by Jojo . Who was prepare to make me face him.

As he comes to check on me I notice his group of friends staring.

" hey you okay"
He said as he grab my hand

My face was in his face and for the frist time in my life I was able to see his blue eyes .

I'm so sorry excuse me!!!!"

As i ran away towards  the bathroom I could feel my heart burst . He saw my face . He saw my face I kept thinking as I looked in the
Mirror whipping the makeup from face . Trying to make the spell disappear.

My Face was what he saw but I felt like  a monster, a clown , the girl who look at me was me but all I could see was ugly , the words ran threw my head and I begin to cry I was a fool to think I could change.

But I couldn't stop my heart from beating

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