(Season 2) Chapter 13: the boy who made me ugly

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" rikku"

As he looked at me
I could never forget his face his hair had change but not his eyes , red as if he was staring into my soul. A monster in disguise.
Rikku was my childhood friend my best friend but dude to the past we never talked to each other I heard his family move away and now he stood in font of me not as a boy but as a man . Why was he here and why was he wearing my necklace.

" see you haven't change? " rikku said as he looked at my piggy tails

" what are you doing here"
I asked

" just transfer today come on sai is that any way to great a old friend "
He said with his sinister smile

We're no friends anymore you made it clear "
I said

" why do you hate me so much ! "
He yelled as he grab
My hand

" you kno why ? "
I rannes toward the roof I didn't wanted to see his face . He was my wrost nightmare I thought I forgot him but his face was still their in my head as my curse.

" frist cherry now this "

As it begin to rain I had skipped 3rd period and 4th as I went back down stairs he was their waiting for me

" let's talk " he said

" you haven't leave yet "
I said with rage in my eyes

" saiharu come on u can't hate me forever!"

" watch me "
I reply

He grab my hand taimiru was coming up the stairs he looked Drenched from the rain , he grab my hand and dragged me away so focusfully


Rikku look at his hand" you can have her for now "

Taimiru dragged me in the rain near the spot we were supposed to meet he was hurting my hand

" taimiru ! "

He stop and let go like my voice came to him

"That's the frist time u said my name shita"
I was embarrassed and confused what was going on

" I fought you were coming what's up with that gothic guy ? "

" nothing beside it didn't look like u meant for me to come " it was the frist time I every talked to him
Like that .

" your interesting shita?"
He said as he begin to laugh

I couldn't help myself I had to say it

" interesting? Your confusing everyone I try to stop liking you I can't help myself . "
" I tried running away but I can't I really like you ,"

I begin to cry as he looked at me I felt his cold wet hand pat my head

" do you want to become my toy? "

He asked as he looked me in the eyes .

Huh toy?

" i think your interesting but being that I am who I am and you are who u are , I don't think I can date you !"
He said with a straight face .

He pulled a cross choker out of his pocket

" your friend said u like cross necklace "

" here if you want to be my toy you can wear it and no body will tease you no more. How about it "
He asked

I did not get it I took the necklace .

Her I'll give you sometime to think about it ? Will talk about it later , bye!"
He said as he disappeared in the storm

I was confused I didn't kno what it meant .
When I got home
I told my friends about it .

" I don't kno sai that sounds wired to me why didn't he just say he likes you too "
Jojo asked

" I don't want to see you get hurt anymore by that jerk , I mean what does he mean he can't date you "

" I just can't believe you confessed maybe you should do it , if you collide to the one you love what does it matter ,"

Raina was right it was the most taimiru every spoke to me if I could be near him even in sercet it would be enough for me .

The next day I walked in class with the necklace on and my head forward . I really like taimiru as long as I could have some of him it didn't matter what I was to him.

I sat in my sit I could see him staring at me he said nothing just smile .

I could sense cherry stating at me with angry.

Nobody picked on me it was as if I was off limits but I could feel the whispers of gossip get bigger and bigger.

Jojo came up to me and asked me how was my day
" fine wired but fine"

After classes I would go to the oak tree to see taimiru if he didn't have practice he would meet me to just talk. I love being his toy even if we couldn't meet in public.

I still loved him . I said that to myself as. A reminder and on top of that Rikku never came near me as long as taimiru was around me.

It was like I finally got what I wanted or so I thought .

Ugly girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora