Casa De Edgy Hedgy

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Shadow then walked back into his newly built castle. "Right this way Terry- wait a minute, did that just say 'newly built castle?'" asked Shadow. And yes, yes it did say that. Where once lay a pile of house, now lay a castle. Shadow went into the kitchen and found a note next to a bowl of pulpless oranges. 

"Dear Slim Shadow,

Welcome to the team! As a welcome gift, I had some s̶l̶a̶v̶e̶s̶ workers who I paid minimum wage build you this epic castle! cool right! Hopefully I you received that speech auto corrector I   ̶s̶t̶o̶l̶e̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶k̶r̶e̶t̶m̶i̶  invented myself, and patented it. I need you to give it to Mii King after you recruit him. BTW I need you to recruit Mii King, Boris, George, Kretmi, Turner, Snas, and Dutchy. Others are welcome, but we need those because we need to be one of those teams that forces diversity instead of looking for real talent. 



P.S. I'm your land lord so no pets in the castle.

 I'm your land lord so no pets in the castle

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"Hmm. For the antagonist of Shaq's Day Out, Nolan is not too bad of a guy so far." said Shadow. "Hey, Shadow? What's Shaq's Day Out." asked Terry. Shadow then chucked an orange into Terry's esophagus to shut his yaps. He swallowed without chewing. "So... I'm allowed to stay here as long as i'm on the team?" said Terry. "Yeah go crazy." said Shadow as Terry then went mentally insane and had to be taken to a hospital on a stretcher. "Alternate Ending" said Eddie.

"I vote we should get a pool table." said Terry. "I would, but I don't have time, I gotta go get more recruits." said Shadow. "ALL IN FAVOR SAY I. I" said Terry. "..." said Shadow. "ALL NOT IN FAVOR SAY 'I'm a big stinky doo doo wah wah bloody stools in my diaper that I wear to fancy restaurants tax deductable'" said Terry. "THE I'S HAVE IT! WOOOO!" said Terry. "Ughghghghghghgh fine. You can get a pool table, just go find me more recruits for our team." said Shadow. "SMELL YEAH!" said Terry, as he punched through a wall. Shadow walked through that same wall, back towards the High School.

"WHOA SHADOW NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!" said Mr. Cracker. "Mr. Cracker, you do know I am the fastest entity in the nearest 555 miles right?" said Shadow. "Yeah, but when you run that fast I can't hit you with, MY GIANT F!" said Mr. Cracker, stamping his forehead with a giant F hammer. "Mr. Cracker, you're getting two promotions for respecting your students so much. Keep up the good work!" said Principal Prickley, going for his morning stroll with his cheel.

Shadow then walked into the special needs classroom, and immediatley noticed Mii King sitting cross cross applesauce in a circle, next to a few other OCs. "Hey Shadow! You should join this class, my parents made me sign up for it and it's super easy for some reason!" said Toby. "Gutentag, can I help you?" said Mr. Agolf Thiler. "I need to borrow one of your students." said Shadow. "Jew can keep him, I was just gonna gas em all anyvays. I mean what doofus put ME in charge of dis class anyway? I've been trying to get zem to switch me to history teacher instead." said Agolf. "You can shut up now." said Shadow, as he lead Mii King to a private corner. 

"Alright, I need you to join my basketball team, so that I can appease some gay idiot and I get Maria back got it?" said Shadow. "b abut tha greem gy." said Mii King. "That's what I thought." said Shadow. "y du i heer boss myusic" said Mii King, as Shadow proceeded to beat him to almost death. "SMELL YEAH! DO HIM NEXT!" said Agolf, pointing at Toby. "bad mofe" said Mii King, pulling out a Ban Hammer. "SHADOW LOOK OUT!" said Toby, as Mii King swung his hammer around like a midget holding a high pressured fire hose. After suffering minor cerebral damage, Shadow grabbed Mii King's blue hat and threw it at a recycling bin. "MUNE HAT" said Mii King, running towards it. It was at that moment that Shadow tripped Mii King and lined his head up with his foot. He then punted Mii King like a football into the ceiling of the class room.

 He then punted Mii King like a football into the ceiling of the class room

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Principal Prickley then walked into the class. "Oh for pete's sake, STOP THROWING PENCILS AT THE CEILING TILES!" said the Principal, pointing at Mii King. "Jew got it, Herr Prickles." said Agolf. "HAHA BABY BEDTIME." said John, pointing at Mii King who was in a coma. John then continued to whine about something to Agolf. "Hey. I need you to give Mii King a message when he wakes up. Tell him, 'Welcome to the Team'" said Shadow. After exactly 6.9 seconds of awkward silence, Shadow broke it with a polite "I'm boutta head out." as he then ran back to his castle. 

When Shadow returned, Terry was there with the new pool table. "Come on in Shadow, the water's fine!" said Terry. "Who are they." said Shadow, noticing there were others relaxing besides Terry. "They're uh, new recruits! Just like you said!" said Terry. "CAN YOU SMEELLLLL! WHAT THE ROCK. IS COOKIN?!" said the Rock. "THE ROCK? BUT HOW?!" said Shadow. "OLD SPICE IS SO POWERFUL IT CAN CATCH THE ROCK!" said Terry. Suddenly, Sheen emerged from the pool water. "HEY SHADOW IM ON THE TEAM NOW CAN I HAVE SOME MORE BATH SALTS TO EAT I MEAN NOT EAT????" said Sheen. "Oh yea, dis my brotha Sheen." said Terry. "Alright good. What's his face will be pleased." said Shadow, staring into a photo of Maria. "Maria..." said Shadow. "Phil..." said Terry, staring at the following photo that was sent to him by John.

" said Terry, staring at the following photo that was sent to him by John

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Shaq's Day Out: Shadow of TormentWhere stories live. Discover now