Anti-Depressants: The Final Frontier

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George and Shadow came back to the castle. "EVERYONE IS HERE! Especially me." said George. "Except Mii King, but he should be showing up soon." said Boris. "Alright. Let me give Nolan a call right now!" said Shadow, slightly less depressed than usual. He then downloaded, and payed for twelve months of Team Speak because Nolan really is just that guy. "Yo. You've reached Nolan." said Nolan. "It's Shadow, everyone's here, just like you asked." said Shadow. "YES COME TO PAPA! Now there just one more thing. I need you to meet me in the highest tower of your castle. Alone. Be there, or be the species of a heterosexual." said Nolan, as he then hung up. "Well guys, it's been fun but I've gotta dash. For what it's worth, thanks for putting up with all this, you guys have been good sports." said Shadow. "No Shadow. We wanna thank YOU for this pool table." said Snas. "Yeah it's like the whole reason any of us even considered joining." said Dutchy. "Fair." said Shadow, as he began climbing stairs on all fours and 2 steps at a time like a giga chad.

Shadow kept going up the stairs at the same rate for what felt like the same amount of time that it takes to write the Man O War story. "How damn big is this place?" he thought, before noticing a sign that said 'Rest Room dead a head.' Shadow quickly started galloping up there, and when he got there, Oscar Carl was already there sipping a hot chocolate, as well as the Rock, Christopher Barbarian, and Carl the Man Bikini. "What the?!" said Shadow. "We took the elevator." said Oscar. "And before you ask, we're here because this guy is BLATANTLY tricking you before your eyes. Obviously he wants you to show up alone so he can snap you like a slim jim." said Carl. "Do I really look that retarded? No fucking shit it's a trap. But i'm Shadow the DAMN Hedgehog. I could take that gay gook on with my pinky toe." said Shadow.

"Well you can't stop us now

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"Well you can't stop us now. We're coming with, weather you like it or not." said Carl. "Yeah! I'll crush that kids cock with the rock if he lays a finger on you Shadow." said the Rock. "And i'll provide excellent service, and snacks." said Chris. "Fine, whatever. You guys can come." said Shadow, as he got in the elevator and left without them. "Me neither, start climbing." said the Rock, as the four of them got on the stairs and started walking.

Shadow zoomed mothafucka zoomed up to the top at the speed of edgy. "Guess I got here too fast, Nolan isn't anywhere to be seen." thought Shadow, as a Shadowy  figure arose from the other corner of the room. "Man in a Shadow Suit?!" said Shadow. "Shadow in a Birthday Suit?!" said Man in a Shadow Suit. "I knew you were still alive somewhere. I take it Nolan brought us both here for the same raisins?" said Man in a Shadow Suit. "Maria.." said Shadow for like the 4 billionth time. "Maria? I was talking about the sun dried grapes he offered me. I pray to Eddie he wasn't talking about hemorrhoids or some shit cause I heard he was gay." said Man in a Shadow Suit.

"Suprise Supriiiiise!" said Nolan, exiting the elevator. "Yeah yeah yeah, we know it was a trap, what's the catch, faggy?" asked Shadow. "Now that I have my basketball team, and those 43 cents that Man in a Shadow Suit gave me.. I can begin my TRUE evil plans for Unnamed City! Long Story Short, you can have the raisins, or Maria. But only one. You will decide by beating each other to death. Whoever wins, gets the prize of their choice!" said Nolan. "Damn, never thought it would come to this.." said Shadow, as Man in a Shadow Suit was already charging him at full speed because he was not leaving without those damn raisins.

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