Shadow just straight up goes grocery shopping

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"Hey Shadow, do you smell that?" said Snas. "No." said Shadow. "Me neither START FARTIN." said Snas, as he let out a meaty and tender one from his boneless ass cheeks. "I hate this story. I didn't ask for this." said Shadow aloud. He then made a bee line for the door. "Shadow can you pick up some Pop-tarts while you're out? And maybe some more lotion for my toe scar?" asked Boris. "You idiots used ALL OF MY LOTION?" said Shadow, before glancing over to see Terry, using his supple monkey hands to rub fat free butter on Chris' back barnacles. "Yeah, right there." said Chris. "SHADOW I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD COTTAGE CHEESE?!" said Dutchy rummaging through the washing machine for a pair of batteries to water the plants with. "This is MY castle, not a homeless shelter. Now if you idiots don't clean this damn mess up by the time I get back, YOU'RE FIRED!" said Shadow. "Me neither, start cleaning. I can't loose access to this pool table, not now, NOT EVER." said Kretmi, pulling out an entire already wet mop from his robe. Shadow then left the castle without farting.

"WAIT UP!" yelled Boris, scuttling over to the window of the castle's highest tower. Shadow turned around to get hit in the eye soccer with a crumpled up receipt. "I'm not a trash can, fuck face." said Shadow. "Well technically you are, since I consider you in the furry category but that's besides the point, open it." said Boris. "You recently bought a holographic Golira?" said Shadow. "YES! But that's also not the point, turn it over and you'll see a list of groceries me and the guys put together have fun." said Boris, then installing a window and slamming it shut. "I mean they did add Turner and George to the list, so maybe i'll take a stroll to the store." Thought Shadow as he hopped on his motorcycle and did a speed.

At the supermarketplier, Shadow parked in the handicapped space. "HEY! You aren't handicapped, move it!" said Urcal Grants. Shadow then proceeded to stab himself in the wrist so it was legal. "You smell bad." said Urcal Grants, causing Shadow to flip her car over. The black hedgeheg then moved his legs to the supermarketplier entrance. "Excuse me sir, would you care to buy a box of Toby scout cookies?" asked AU Toby. "No." said Shadow. "You sure? They taste like dog tumors, and there's this one shaped like a Pokeball that's shaped like a cookie." said AU Toby. Shadow just ignored him and walked away. "To be fair, I wouldn't buy them either." said AU Toby, lighting a cigarette with not PK fire he just lit it normally. "Ahh boy do I hate public spaces." said Shadow, taking a shopping cart.

" said Shadow, taking a shopping cart

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"Holographic Golira again... MY FAVORITE!" said Mufasa, taking about all of them off the shelf. In the background some chad was pushing at least 6 shopping carts inside in the freezing cold. Shadow then did that thing where you stand on the back of the cart and speed down the aisle like a giga chad and slammed into the meat section. "Snas? What are you doing here?" asked Shadow, noticing Snas hiding between the Chiccy Nughyies and the Packaged Frozen Meat Cubes. "We kinda decided that if Mii King is allowed to go off and do whatever he wants then so should we." said Snas. "Oh so that means the castle is clean?" said Shadow. Snas then phased out of existence to go back to clean.

Suddenly, Sagmaster rammed into him with a shopping cart, clearly on purpose. "Oops I am SOOO sorry about that! I was too busy shopping for- Hey do I know you?" said Sagmaster. "Yeah I'm YOU from another dimension!" said Shadow. "Really?" asked Sagmaster. "No." said Shadow, as he threw the cart through a wall which hit a car, causing said car to explode violently again. "Well um, you aren't gonna ask about the button are you?" Asked Sagmaster. "......" said Shadow. Sagmaster then ran away frantically, but still payed for everything because he's not some kind of villain. "Why must I eternally suffer? Why must the edgy live the longest?" said Shadow, noticing that RC was peeling all the bananas in the fruit section.

Shadnadow then scuttled his spaghetti arms and legs to the Turner aisle. "Hey Shadow! What brings you here?" asked Turner. "I could ask you the same." said Shadow. "Well NORMALLY, I usually like to be in my hide-out in my fort that I made out of Charmin Ultra toilet paper rolls, but BERGDIN is quite literally using them to wipe his asshole." said Turner. "That's great but I really don't care and join my basketball team." demanded Shadow. "No. Not until you help me get my hide-out back." said Turner, arms crossed. "For fucks sake, haven't I done enough silly side quests today? I just want Maria back..." said Shadow, saggily walking one aisle over to get more Charmin Ultra for Turner. "HOORAY! FORT TURNER IS ALL BUT IMPENETRABLE!" cheered Turner, constructing a mech suit made out of toilet paper in .2 bananoseconds.


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"HAPPY? NOW LETS GO COME THE DAMN ON." said Shadow. "AHA! You thought you could fool ME Bergdin wearing a Shadow suit?" said Turner. "PREPARE TO BE THOROUGHLY WIPED FROM EXISTENCE WITH SOFT TOILET PAPER!" exclaimed Turner, attempting to crush him like me between a big tiddy goth girl's thighs. "Golly Gee Willikers!" exclaimed Shadow. "Damn, I need to catch up on my edgy sleep." He thought, dodging Turner. "Man, I love being so rich that I can buy out all of the toilet paper in the store... Oh HEY TURNER!" waved Bergdin. "Not now Bergdin, can't you see i'm busy killing you to death?" said Turner.

Suddenly, John ran inside at mach 10. "Anybody else's bowels hurt?" said John, taking the entire Charmin Mech with him to the bathroom. Not to use it, but because he just wanted it to put on his desk. "Uhhh, I can explain." said Turner. "Hey Turner, you haven't seen a Balloon/Casino anywhere around here have you? I seem to have misplaced mine. If not it's no biggie cuz I just bought 11 more!" said Bergdin. "Bergdin, I hate you why the hell would I want to help you?" asked Turner. "Can you shut the damn up and join the team or what?" said Shadow. "Team? What team? Can I join?!" asked Bergdin. "Fine sure." said Shadow. "WOOOOO!" exclaimed Bergdin. "Well if Bergdin's in, then i'm out." said Turner. "Bergdin, i'm sorry but you're fired." said Shadow. "That's fine, I don't really need the money." said Bergdin. "HA! IN YOUR POOP RIDDEN FACE BERGDIN!" said Turner, shmonkey dancing in succ. Shadow then exited the store with less than half of the things on the grocery list.

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