lmaooo (a/n)

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lmalaoaoa weird ending fadhsfdfdsfdf

 i really have no clue at this point.

thanks so much to everyone who read this! i kind of took a very large break from writing this fic and then just like, BOOM wrote 4 chapters in 2 seconds and ended but HEY at least its over.

here's the plot. maybe that'll explain something????????? idk feel free to ask me anything that made no sense like aka the entire book

chapter one:

- Gerard and his best friend Frank show up to the bus stop

- Frank asks Gerard if he's ready and Gerard's like "ready as ill ever be"

- both attend a school called K-12 Sleepaway School

- They travel in a crazy bus until they reach the institution

- they got lost on the way to their first class

- A mean boy named Jimmy becomes jealous of Gerard because he has been flirting with Jimmy's girlfriend Lindsey, so he writes a disturbing letter for Gerard saying "You at Recess" accompanied by a stick person and a tombstone

chapter two:

- At naptime, Gerard shows Frank the letter

- Gerard is worried because he's never been in a fight before

- Frank suggests that he uses his powers

- Gerard refuses, stating that it would be cheating

- At recess, Jamia and Gerard start talking

- Jimmy comes over begins punching Gerard

- Gerard levitates and attempts to strangle Jimmy

- Mr. Armstrong sees what is happening and stops the fight.

- he gets sent to the principal

chapter three

- At the principal's office Gerard finds out from Ray that the Principal is forcing the students to take pills so he can control them and they are unable to leave

- Gerard uses his powers to call him on the phone and he insults him, calling him out on everything he has done wrong

- G is poisoned, until the Bunny Doctors cure him.

- Gerard becomes a puppet to entertain the students during show and tell until Ms. Penelope drops him, causing blood to drip from his nose

- At the nurse's office, Frank turns Gerard back into a human

- The nurses attempt to keep them restrained and under control

-an angelic spirit guide named Mikey frees Gerard and Frank and attacks the nurses and Bunny Doctors

- gee's like i think we're late for class, we should go

chapter four

- In drama class, Gerard expresses his discomfort in being placed in a "domestic" role in the school play, instead wishing to play a less stero-typical role such as a stay at home parent or nurse

- The drama teacher, Mr. Flowers, dismisses his concerns

- gerard tries to storm out but mr. flowers calls in the guards to capture him

- Gerard is forced to play the role he was assigned anyways

- during the play, G presses a hot clothes iron to another student's face

- He then warns the students in the auditorium that they are being brainwashed, and uses his powers to defeat the guards and free the students

- The students rush to the principal's office at Gerard's order and begin tearing him apart, killing him.

- Gerard and Frank bury the body.

- Gerard then has a dream in which he is speaking to Mikey, telling him that he doesn't want to be part of this world

chapter five

- At lunchtime, a friend of Jimmy's (Matt) invites Gerard to eat with them

- he goes over there and keeps his head down and jimmy doesnt notice

- leaves the table stating that it "isn't the life for [him]"

- Gerard then meets a boy named Bob.

- The group of friends discover that Bob, a friend of Jimmy, has the same abilities as them

- they cant talk to bob though, because jimmy is in their way

- they set up a food fight in an attempt to separate him from the group

- After seeing that Bob is leaving with Jimmy, Gerard follows him to the bathroom with Frank.

chapter six

- bob's in the bathroom crying, and gerard comforts him

- Jamia, the Principal's daughter, stops the food fight and asks who is responsible for the situation.

- Jimmy informs her that Gerard was the one who started it

- g gets sent to detention. He is brainwashed by the needle given to him by a nurse

- he is then set free by Jamia.

- Frank slips a note into Gerard's locker, which contains an anonymous poem confessing his feelings to him.

- Jamia then checks the security footage to see Gerard and his friends discussing a plan to take her down

chapter seven

- Frank is preparing to ask Gerard to the school dance when Jamia bumps into him

- Frank watches from behind a wall as Jamia asks Gerard to the dance, to which he accepts, while thinking "keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

- Jamia claims to be the one who wrote the note.

- At the dance, Gerard realizes that he had messed up the plan to escape the school by accepting Jamia's offer.

- His friends express disappointment in him, and he storms off to the bathroom.

- He looks in the mirror after ranting to himself about how he screwed up and Mikey appears, telling him "Don't beat yourself up."

- Jamia makes an announcement to the students that she knew what Gerard had been planning, and forces all of the students to dance for hours.

- everyones like geRARD WHERE A RE YOUUU?? we need ur help pls

chapter eight

- Gerard, who is disguised as a man named Andy, locks Jamia in a closet and frees everyone from the spell

- He warns the students to leave the school

- all except Jimmy flee downstairs to the exit.

Gerard then meets Frank, who confesses to him that he was the one who put the note in his locker.

- Together, they create a plan to use a bubble to make the school float away and disappear.

- Once this is done, they both jump out of the balcony to escape.

- After the school disappears, Gerard kisses Frank on the cheek.

- Mikey appears again with the gate to return home.

-As Frank was about to leave, he stops and asks Gerard if he's coming or not.

- Gerard looks back in shock

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