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heejin and seonghwa continued walking down the school halls heading towards the cafeteria.

"thank you, seonghwa. for um.. you know, helping me back there."

seonghwa turned to face heejin, a sly smile plastered on his face. "of course, anyt-"


seonghwa was scared to say the least. 'what is wrong with him-'

"jimin shut the fuck up, its not what you think. this is seonghwa. he actually saved my ass. also, he's new here."

seonghwa smiled awkwardly, raising his hand slightly to wave at jimin. "hi im seo-"

"i know who you are pretty boy, now if you excuse US, we're gonna go eat lunch."

heejin was suprised as jimin grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her inside the cafeteria, leaving a traumatized seonghwa behind.

'what did i just expierence?'

jimin and heejin sat down at their usual lunch table with their food trays.

"jimin, that was rude. you could've at least invited him to eat lunch with us?"

"i don't like him. he gives me bad vibes." jimin pretended to shiver at the thought of him.

"you haven't even met him yet! Give him a chance jimin, please" heejin proceeded to give jimin the cutest pout she could pull off.

"heejin you okay? you look constipated."

a boy with cute freckles and an australian accent sat down next to them.

"felix, i won't hesitate to stuff these two chopsticks i have with me up your ass."

"and i oop-"

"jimin, you too"

felix nervously chuckled. he knew heejin wasn't kidding.

"okay how about no?"

heejin gave felix 'the look' as she pointed her two fingers at her eyes then back at felix.

they sat there, chatting about anything. This was a normal day for heejin, and she couldn't ask for anything more.

what she didn't know, was that this would be the last 'normal' day of her life.

it was finally time to head home as the bells rang clarifying the school day was over.

as heejin was heading out, a hand tapped her shoulder. she turned around to meet two familiar angry bird eyes.

"hey! remember me?"

"of course i remember you seonghwa, what kind of question is that?" heejin chuckled.

seonghwa only shrugged, giving a slight smile. she continued walking, alongside seonghwa this time.

"where do you live?" seonghwa asked as they where getting closer to the entrance gates of the school.

"i live in Treasure Ave., and you?"

"oh my god me too! we can walk home together, i mean- that's if you'd like..?"

heejins heart skipped a beat. shes never been asked to be taken home before and the thought of it makes her all giddy inside.

"y-yeah! I'd like that a lot actually!"

seonghwa sighed, relieved "great, lets get going then"

the two walked towards their neighborhood, none of them talking. it was really awkward, she could feel the tension in the air.

"so, do your parents wait for you to get home? or are they busy with work?"

heejin stopped in her tracks. her breath hitched as she heard the word 'parents'.

"hey whats wrong? Why'd you stop?"

heejin looked towards seonghwa to meet his gaze.

"nothing! I just um.. there's something in my shoe! Yeah.. Hold on let me get it."

heejin took off her shoe and pretended to take something out of it.

"there! all better now!" heejin put back on her shoe and proceeded walking, passing by seonghwa.

he stared at heejins back slowly walking away. he knew something was wrong. he sighed and jogged to reach up to heejin.

the rest of the walk was filled with their quiet footsteps and the sound of the night taking over them.

"this is my house" heejin stopped in front of a two-story house, not great, but well enough to live in.

seonghwa smiled and gestured her to go inside "go, i'll make sure that you go in safely"

heejin returned the smile "thank you for walking me home, i'll see you next time! bye seonghwa!"

"your welcome, and yeah see you next time, bye" heejin ran up the sidewalk leading to her home, opening her door.

she waved seonghwa goodbye then after, closed the door.

'cute' he chuckled, backing away from her home, heading towards his own.

the man chuckled from his hiding spot, observing seonghwas back slowly walking away.

"I guess this is going to be more fun than i expected" the man chuckles.

» au: hi bbs! merry christmas eve to all of you!! heres a christmas gift from me to you luvs <3 and if you dont celebrate, happy holidays! I love you all and stay safe! mwah

» au: hi bbs! merry christmas eve to all of you!! heres a christmas gift from me to you luvs <3 and if you dont celebrate, happy holidays! I love you all and stay safe! mwah

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