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heejin headed downstairs to meet seonghwa after she finished changing

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heejin headed downstairs to meet seonghwa after she finished changing.

"finally! you took a whole ass hour, man i was debating on whether i should just ditch you and leave."

heejin walked towards seonghwa and punched his shoulder. "don't test me bitch, or you'll catch these hands" she said as she positioned herself into a boxer stance, holding up her fists.

"you know.. sometimes i wonder why did i become friends with you..?"

"okay, that's it come over here bitch-" seonghwa jolted up the couch and ran as fast as he could, an angry heejin chasing him from behind.

"OKAY OKAY IM SORRY PLEASE DONT KILL ME" heejin didn't stop, oh no. she was determined to catch him.

seonghwa continued running for his life around an unfamiliar setting, hoping he won't get caught up. he looked back to see if she was still chasing him, to his luck, there was no sight of heejin. not noticing what was in front of him, he crashed into something. Or rather someone.

"oOF HEY WHY DON'T YOU WATCH WHER-" seonghwa just realized the position he's in right now.

he was on top of heejin, faces centimeters away. he could feel her breath on his skin, causing goosebumps to arise all over his body.

heejin couldn't move. She was speechless as she stared unintentionally at seonghwa's features. his soft yet sharp eyes, his nose so perfect, lips so luscious and tempting, clear skin, sculpted jaw. he was beautiful.

soon she snapped out of her trance breaking the silence, "GET OFF OF ME YOU PERV" she said, basically throwing seonghwa off of her.

"o-oh sorry haha.." he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, getting up almost immediately.

"it's okay, just WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING STUPID! you almost broke my beautiful face" she dramatically held her face in the palms of her hands.

"beautiful my ass, come on, lets go already" he grabbed her wrist and lead her out the door, making sure to close it behind him.

as they were walking towards their destination, heejin was curious as to who where seonghwa's friends. she hesitated, but asked anyway.

"who are your friends by the way?" turning her head to face seonghwa.

"you'll see, there's quite a few of them to be honest. seven, including me, eight. we all live in the same house. they're amazing trust me, you won't regret meeting them." seonghwa gave her a reassuring smile.

she nodded, not noticing that he had stopped in his tracks. she looked up to ask why he stopped, but once she saw where he was looking, she came face to face with a big luxurious home, perfectly cut lawn and beautiful flowers planted here and there.

"what. the. fuck." her jaw dropped.

seonghwa chuckled at her reaction. "welcome to the ATEEZ household."

heejin was shocked to say the least, her eyes were taking in every little detail of the place. then it hit her.

deja vu.

she's sworn she has seen this place before. it was weird, it felt so familiar and nice. Almost like her second home.

"uhh, hello? earth to heejin?" he waved his hand in front of her face, causing her to snap out of her thoughts.

"what are you doing standing there? hurry up and come in" already heading towards the entrance, heejin jogged to catch up to him.

once they were in front of the door, he rang the doorbell, waiting for a response. then the door opened, revealing a blonde haired boy, short but still pretty cute.

"what took you so lo- oh. Is this your friend you were talking about?" the blonde asked, staring intently at heejin. heejin can't deny that his stare was pretty intimidating for a small dude.

"yes wooyoung, now let us in yeah?" seonghwa crossed his arms, getting impatient as this was his home too.

"oh yeah sorry, haha i was distracted by how pretty she is." heejin looked up, flustered as wooyoung winked at her.

'this smooth ass mother fucker.'

seonghwa grabbed heejins wrist, not harsh but gently, like if she was fragile and could break at any moment, and lead her inside.

there, heejin faced 6 other men on a long black couch, sitting and chatting together, turning their attention to seonghwa and heejin once they noticed their presence.

"guys, this is my friend, kim heejin. please treat her nicely and make her feel welcomed." the room was dead quiet when seonghwa was talking, everyone focused on what he had to say.

then, all stares where on heejin. it was silent. the aura they gave off was so daunting. heejin felt small. really small.

"go ahead." seonghwa smiled,  gesturing for her to introduce herself.

"o-oh yeah! ehem.. umm... hi im heejin.. uh.. please be my friend." (cue pirate king)

'what the fuckery did you just say heejin i swear to god-'

"welcome heejin!" the blonde from before, wooyong, came from behind her. he put a hand on her shoulder, smiling at her.

she would be lying if she said her heart didn't just skip a beat right now.

then one of the 6 boys on the couch stood up. his presence was fierce, it felt like he was the most dominant one out of all these guys combined. but also, he was very tiny.

"welcome. i'm kim hongjoong, and these are my best friends. together, we are ATEEZ."

» au; so yeah. Im back lol. This one is for my seonghwa enthusiasts ;)

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