New Friend

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Froura's POV

The lopunny girl sat in the gap in between me and Luke.

"Did I miss the train?," she asked.

Just then, the train pulled into the station.

"Oh, I guess not!"

We walked onto the train, and found a seat.

"Hi, I'm Conietta, whats your names?"



"Cool names!"

Conietta beamed at us.

"Lets be friends!"

"Ok," Luke said.

"Whatever," I replied.

"Yay!" Conietta said.

Lots of teens had boarded the train, and the attendant who was a human Eevee was walking down the isles, making sure everyone was seated and settled.

Conietta was rambling about how she was happy to go to the highschool, and Luke was staring at me again.

I put on my earbuds and turned on my ipod.

Closing my eyes, I wondered what Pokehuman High would be like, and what new friends I

would make.

I was looking forward to getting there.

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