Arriving To Rakuen

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Furoura's POV

I awoke to Conietta shaking my arm.

"Wakey wakey! Were almost there!," she said excitedly.

I took out my earbuds, and looked out the window.

I saw the train approaching an island with lots of trees. I guess that's all we'll see for now.


Fifteen minutes later, the train stopped into Rakuen Station. Everyone startes gathering their suitcases and things.

On the loudspeaker, the Eevee attendant was saying,

"Please do not leave your belongings onboard.

Thank you for riding PokeTrain.

All of us got off the train and swarmed the station.

Afterwards, we stood there, wondering what to do next.

Just then, a human Aromatisse walked through the stations doors.

She grabbed a mic and started to speak.

"Can I please have your attention?," she said.

Once the teens calmed down, she spoke again.

"My name is Principal Rose, and I will be your guide. Follow my instructions, and stand in lines of three."

We occupied ourselves with getting in lines.

Me, Coni (Conietta's nickname) and Luke stood together near the front.

"Follow me please," said the Principal.

She opened the station doors, and we trailed out behind her.

The sun invaded our eyes, but we adjusted to the brightness.

When we did, we saw beautiful green woods with little bug type pokemon, not human like us, but normal.

"Where is the school Miss Rose?," one student asked.

"Its on the middle of the island, where the woods and wild pokemon do not occupy.

I want you all to follow me. Do not stray off, and do not shout, or you will scare off the wild pokemon. You are allowed to speak quietly.

We followed Miss Rose on the path into the woods.on the way, I saw a little pidgey flying overhead. It flew down towards me, and landed on my outstretched hand.

I smiled at it, and rubbed its head.

"Pid, pidgey!," it exclaimed. It seemed to smile then fly away.

"That was cool," Luke said.

"Aawww, I wish I could do that!" Coni said.

I smiled, and continued to marvel at the liittle pokemon wandering around, peeking at us strange half human half pokemon teens.

Wondering what happened for us to be this way.

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