Wake Up

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WARNINGS: steamy scene ayyy

At first you felt your shallow breath.

Your chest rising up and down as it made room for the air to fill your lungs.

Then, you felt your heartbeat.

It had a steady rhythm that calmed you down in the never-ending darkness.

You felt as if your mind woke up but your body was still asleep, and you fought against the feeling and forcibly tried to wake yourself up.

You felt a chilling tingle that spread across your skin,

And as you followed it you slowly noticed the warmth that was present on your front side, engulfing your upper torso and your face, spreading a bit to your sides as well.

After a while you noticed that you were pressed against something, which emitted the heat you were feeling, and you felt gentle strokes that went up and down your back.

Following the strokes, you slowly but surely followed the feeling back into consciousness as you slowly opened your heavy eyelids, and looked around.

You were in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room, and the source of heat leaned on the bed headboard and placed you to lay on his lap, stroking your back.

Seeing Dabi you finally remembered what led you here and you finally shot up.

What happened to you?

What happened when you were gone?

What did all for one mean in his words to you?

"(Y/N), (Y/N), relax, it's ok, it's me, Dabi" the guy caught you by both of your shoulders and calmed you down, seeing your confused eyes.

He got up and kneeled before the bed side, as you slowly pulled yourself up to sit and dangle your feet down to the floor in front of him.

Your throat was dry and cold and your body still weak, as if you were sleeping for a week straight.

An itch in your arm got your attention and without a word you looked down at it to see a band aid on the inside of your elbow. Dabi watched you as you tore the band aid off, revealing a small needle mark.

"I couldn't give you the medication to swallow so I had to inject it to you" he explained, watching her slow movements.

She looked back into his blue eyes and slowly nodding.

Then she continued to open and close her palms, pumping blood into them, retrieving some warmth.

He watched her and he sighed before asking the question he feared to ask.

"(Y/N), do you remember anything?" he never saw or encountered someone that got gifted a gift, so he couldn't possibly know what exactly happened to her, or how or who will come back to him afterwards. He just hoped she won't lose it and turn up like the nutjob Toga.

The girl nodded but didn't look at him, a thing that made his heart twist.

Does she hate him for not protecting her like he said he would? Or does she forget just what they had? Maybe she regretted going with him after seeing what the villains are? But she said he wasn't a villain to her. Maybe that changed?

"do you remember who I am?" the question slipped his tongue before he could stop and be reasonable.

The girl looked up at him for a second and his heart missed a beat.

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