Plus pt.2

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You leaned your head back to rest on Pietro's shoulder. His large hands rested on your protruded stomach as you sat on his lap. You were 5 months pregnant with Pietro's baby. He presses a kiss to the side of your neck.

The rest of the Avengers had been on a mission for the past three months. It had taken longer than they thought it would. You and Pietro hadn't told them about the pregnancy before they left. The only person that knew was Wanda and she promised to keep her trap shut until we broke the news.

"I love you princessa," Pietro mumbled pressing his lips to the shell of your ear. You smile.

"I love you two Pietro." You said lazily. You hear boots and sit up abruptly. "They're back," you say turning to Pietro. He smiles and presses a kiss to the top of your head.

"Here." He says smiling. He slides off his hoodie and hands it to you. "You can wear this if you don't want to tell them quite yet," he says understanding. You kiss his nose and slide it over your head. Your bump is well hidden in the baggy clothing. You slide off his lap and cross your legs sitting next to him. The first to walk in is Steve.

Pietro stands up as do you to greet everyone coming back. You see Wanda and you go up to her giving her a hug. She gasps and presses a hand to your stomach.

'They're so big y/n!' She says to you in your head. Telepathy is helpful sometimes. You look up to meet her eyes and smirk. The rest of the team walks in freshly showered and changed. I smile thankfully they stopped at the locker rooms to clean up before coming up here. They all scatter around the living room talking and taking naps. You go back to your spot next to Pietro.

You sit next to him and he wraps an arm around your frame. You lay your head on his chest and close your eyes.

"Goodness, it's cold in here," Tony says going to turn up the thermostat. You lay there for a while before getting really hot. Lazily you sit up to slip off your sweatshirt and lay back down to go to sleep. Slowly you drifted off into peaceful bliss.

"WHAT THE SHIT!" Tony exclaims pointing at your stomach. Pietro looks at you and sees you took off the sweatshirt. At this point, everyone is looking at you.

"W-what?" Steve stutters out.

"Don't freak out," Pietro says quickly.

"Little too late," Bucky says staring with wide eyes. "When did this happen?" He asks.

"5 months ago." Pietro answers.

"Why didn't you tell us?"Tony asks.

"We were going to but then you all went on the long mission and we ran out of time," Pietro explains. They all just sit in silence for a bit. You roll over and peel open your eyes to see everyone staring at you. You realize why and quickly say,

"I can explain."

"Your boyfriend already did," Tony says.

"Oh" you squeak out. "Surprise," you say making jazz hands.

"DIBS ON GODFATHER!" Clint yells raising his hand in the air.

Steve Rogers • Bucky Barnes • Pietro Maximoff OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now