Princessa (Pietro)

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You huddled behind the trash can after the garbage man just yelled at you for digging through it. You shakily stood up headed to the nice baker lady. Today was your 4th birthday so she was gonna give you a roll to eat. She was always nice and smelled of sugar and honey. She was like the mom you never had.

You shuffled in your hoodie that's too big for you and your torn up tennis shoes across the street making sure no cars were coming. People in New York didn't seem to care for tiny kids in the street.

You wandered into the bakery and your nose is met with the sweet smells of berry pastries and frosting. You lick your lips feeling yourself already get hungrier.

"Hey sugar!" You heard the nice baker lady say as she walked out. You waved and smiled. You tried to open your mouth to talk but no words could come out. Per usual. When your parents were killed the killer tried to kill you. Instead he sliced your Larynx. (Voice box)

"You want that cupcake now sweetie?" She asked. You nodded and smiled. You heard the bell ring behind you and a tall man with silver hair walked in. You quickly rushed behind the counter hiding behind the nice baker lady.

"Hello, here to pick up..." he trailed off as he saw you. "Well hello." He said crouching down to your height. He ended up actually sitting on the floor. "What's your name?" He asks. You just hid your face behind the baker's legs.

"I don't know her name." The nice lady says. "She's mute."

"She isn't yours?" He asks surprised.

"No, she an orphan, but she ran away before I could bring her to an orphanage. It's were she ran away from. They were abusive." She explains. "Little miss here is just here to get her birthday cupcake I promised." She smiles at me.

"It's your birthday princessa?" He asks. "Well happy birthday little one." He says. He has a funny accent. You give a small smile. "Wanna see a trick?" He asks. You nod and come a little closer. He puts his hand behind your ear and pulls a rose. He gives it to you. You smile and blush. He ruffles your hair. "I have to go, but I will see you again my little friend, yes?" You nod. He leaves the shop with his cake and you give him a little wave.

For the next few weeks your new friend who's name you found was Pietro would visit you at the bakery. You both sat on the cushiony bench as he told you stories of knights and dragons. He also gradually taught you how to write. You could talk to him a little bit through writing but each sentence you wrote made him smile.

One day as you were waiting at your booth for Pietro you heard the door open and you excitedly scrambled out of the booth to go greet him. He saw you run towards him and he went down on a knee and hugged you picking you up.

"Hello Princessa!" He said smiling. You tapped his shoulder once, which he knew meant hello as well. "I have a surprise for you, yes?" He says setting you down. "Would you like to come live with me?" He asks.

Your eyes widen before you smile and hug him tightly. "Okay then," he chuckles picking you up. You wave goodbye to the nice baker lady but you know you'll see her again.

You carried you for a long ways all the way to a tall tower with a big A on it. You wrap your arms around Pietro's neck and nuzzle your face into it. He chuckles and rubs your back as he walks into the shiny tower.

"Hello Friday?" He asks.

"Yes Mr. Maximoff?" The loud voice says. You squeak in surprise and hide your face. He chuckles softly.

"Can you add this young lady to your data base please?" He asks politely.

"Yes, what catagory will she be put under?" The voice asks.

"Family." Pietro responds.

"Alright, I've added her to my data base."

"Thank you Friday." Pietro says. You look at him and turn your head to the side in confusion. "I was telling her that you live here now." Pietro explains.

He walks towards a shiny elevator and begins to talk again.

"What should we call you? I cannot keep calling you little miss now can I?" Be smiles. You shake your head. "What would you like me to call you?" He asks handing you the note book and pen he keeps in his pocket to talk to you.

You scribble down, y/n.

"Y/n, I like it." He smiles. "It's suits you, no?" You nod.

The glass elevator goes up and you stare in wonder at the city below you. Pietro smiles and watches your amazement. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek and you do the same to his.

He had before a father figure to you in a way. He was kind and taught you many things. He told you stories and played with you. Everything a father did, right?

The elevator stopped and the doors slid open to reveal a large lounging area with a bunch of new people all laying about. Everyone's attention was immediately on you and they all smiles.

Pietro tried to set you down but you cling to him like your life depended on it. He chuckled and kept you in his arms. The first person was a girl with reddish hair.

"Hello there." She says softly. You give her a little wave. "I'm Wanda, Pietro's sister." She smiles. You give her a little smile back. "Do you wanna see something?" She asks. You nod. Red whisps flow from her fingertips and float all around you.

Your eyes widen in joy and wonder and you smile at her. Pietro walks over to one of the couches and sits down still holding you. He sits you in his lap and folds his legs beneath him.

"Heya squirt." A voice says. You turn and see a shorter man with a goatee and mustache smiling. You give him a wave. "I'm Tony." He says kindly.

The rest of the team introduces them self's. They all seen very nice. The day gets later and eventually the sun begins to set.

"Alright, sweetheart, read to go to sleep?" Pietro asks. You nod and grab his hand.

He leads you to the elevator and brings you to what you assume is his floor. He talks through a hallway and turns to the right. You enter a room with light grey walls and a smallish bed. Pietro squats down to your height.

"This is your room princessa." He says kindly.
You smile and wrap your small around around his neck. He chuckles and hugs you back.

He hands you a change of cloths which for right now if one of his giant t-shirts that reached your feet. You crawled up into your new bed and snuggled into the covers.

Pietro walks in and leans over the bed.

"Goodnight princessa." He says pressing a kiss to your forehead. You kiss his cheek and he smiles. You tap his arm three times. "I love you too." He smiles.

Steve Rogers • Bucky Barnes • Pietro Maximoff OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now