No (Steve)

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"On a scale of 1-10, how bad would it be if I-?"

"At least a twenty."

"Oh come on that was one time Steve." You whined.

"No." He says.

"I have a plan though." You say.

"Ok..." he says cautiously.

"It involves fire."

"Absolutely not." He says.

"Damnit, Steve. It was one time!" You exclaim exasperated. He gives you a side glance as you give him puppy eyes.

"No. We can get out of a cell without the use of fire." He says standing up and looking around the cell.

"True but fire takes care of the problem much quicker." You say smirking.

"No." He repeats himself.

"I hate you." You say chuckling.

"Why? I'm lovely." He sasses. You roll your eyes and smirk. He yanks the bars over the window. You sigh and melt the bars with your hands.

"See, fire solves problems." You sass. "Now help me up." You say. He intertwines his fingers and you place your foot in as he lifts you up. You crawl through the window and on to the snowy terrain.

You extent you hand through the window and Steve grasps it. You pull him through and he falls face-first into the snow.

"Would you like me to heat up your face." You ask with mock seriousness.

"Yeah, you can with your lips." He says like a child puckering his lips and closing his eyes. You roll your eyes and peck his lips before pushing his face back in the snow.

Steve Rogers • Bucky Barnes • Pietro Maximoff OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now