Fire Eyes (Steve)

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"When this is all over I want my sanity back" you mutter fighting against the chains.

"Keep trying hotshot. We're not going anywhere." Steve says.

"I don't fucking care. If I'm going down I'm going down swinging." You growl.

"Well then. Unless fire can melt vibranium then please do break us out." Steve says sarcastically. You glare at him your iris glowing red-orange. Your hands turn bright orange with fire truing to melt the restraints. You look at Steve and his eyes grow wide as he looks at your restraints.

Then you feel a looseness around your wrists. You hold your hands in front of you now handcuff free. You raise an eyebrow at Steve and smirk. You grab a bobby pin form your hair and you pick his handcuffs. Once they release he rubs his wrists before you both book it to the nearest exit.

You both exit the stuffy building into the cold Russian air. You wrap your arms around yourself and shiver. You heat yourself up and quickly your skin regains its natural color. You look at Steve but even with the super Solider serum, he's shivering.

"Here." You say. You rub your hand up and down his back trying to warm him up. You both come upon a cave and immediately go in. From what you both can tell it's completely deserted. You start up a fire and by now Steve's teeth are chattering. "Come over here." You tell him. He obeys and sits next to you.

You put a hand on the side of his head and rest his head on your lap. You rub your hand up and down his arm and you play with his hair with your other hand.

"Thank you," Steve says.

"It's not a problem Steve." You say to him. He sits up and places an arm around your shoulders. He rests his head on your shoulder and you rest yours on his shoulder. You feel him shift and press a kiss to the top of your head.

"Goodnight y/n," he says. You smile in content both of you now very warm.

Steve Rogers • Bucky Barnes • Pietro Maximoff OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now