More Espresso less depresso (Bucky)

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"Hi, how may I help you today." You said to the man in front of you. There are times you hated being a barista. The fake smiles got uncomfortable and the rude costumers were bitchy.

"Gimme a latte." The man said staring at his phone.

"Alright sir they will be $5.13," you said. He threw six dollars at you. You rolled your eyes and put it in the register. The man stepped aside to wait for his drink. The next man walked forward.

"Hello, how may I fucking help you today?" You ask your teeth gritted. The man smiled at you his pearly teeth being displayed.

"Rough day?" He asks still smiling. Your body relaxes and you bow your head an nod. "When's your shift over?" He asks.

"10 minutes thank God." You say.

"You know what, when your shift is over find me. I'll be sitting over there." He says motioning to the chair over in the corner. "I'll take you to lunch." He smiles his crystal blue eyes meeting yours. You smile genuinely and nod. He walks over to his seat sits down.

You watch the clock eagerly waiting for your shift to come to an end. Once the clock struck ten minutes later your apron was off as was the fake smile on your face. You try to calmly walk up to the man over in the corner.

"I'm y/n by the way." You introduce yourself.

"James, but my friends call me Bucky." The man replies. You smile and shake his hand. Instead of letting go he keeps a hold of your hand as you exit the coffee shop together. "So why do you work in the coffee shop? It seems like you hate it in there." Bucky asks.

"I do love it there but there are days that even though there are over a trillion nerves in the body people manage to get on everyone." You laugh. Bucky throws his head back and laughs as well.

"That's one way to put it." He says still chuckling.

"That and I like coffee, duh. My motto is more espresso, less depresso." You tell him. He laughs again.

"I might need that put on a plaque in my room." He says. You two make it to the restaurant and still hand in hand you walk in together.

(5 months later)

You and Sam sit in the kitchen each with a coffee pot in your hands. You poured some of the dark liquid into the mug you were holding in your other hand.

"This is the life," Sam said. Bucky walked in disheveled for sleep. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head before grabbing a mug and coffee pot of his own. He sits down next to you pouring a cup for himself.

"More espresso" Sam starts.

"Less depresso." You all say in unison clinking your coffee pots together.

Steve Rogers • Bucky Barnes • Pietro Maximoff OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora