Chapter 1

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Hermione Granger sat in the back corner of the library, where she could be unbothered and learn in peace.

Her fourth year had been uneventful so far. Other than Harry being entered into a competition that would end in death and her two best friends not speaking to each other. And the fact that the quidditch legend Victor Krum would NOT leave her alone.

As she read her Charms textbook about another spell, the chair next to her was pulled out. She internally groaned. Not Krum again. She looked up and a blond boy sat down next to her. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak but she was cut off.

"Hello Granger. I know it's rather strange that I am sitting here with you. I just wanted to talk to you without tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum in tow."

"Malfoy I have so many questions. Why are you being so civil? And how on earth do you know a muggle book reference?"

"Well for one, I would like to not continuously be on your bad side. You're a scary witch. And as for the muggle reference, I love muggle stories, much to my father's displeasure." Draco said with a smirk. Hermione smiled at him but was surprised at the same time.

"Well I'm waiting for your plan on avoiding my bad side. What triggered this change, Malfoy?"

"It may have been you punching me last year. Or maybe the fact that I find you absolutely fascinating now. You care so much about everyone around you. Even people that don't deserve it,"

"Draco Malfoy being a person, this is truly something I never expected to witness," Hermione said with a smile. Draco stood up, getting ready to walk away. "But I forgive you. Thank you for being human with me."

Draco spun around and smiled, taking a seat at the table once again. "Well if we're being civil I suggest we ditch the last names," he said, pulling out his potions assignment.

"Very well, Draco," she said, looking up from her book once again. "Are you working on the potions assignment for next week too?"

"Yes I am Hermione. I too enjoy school like you." He said. She rolled her eyes.

"Who would've known you too were a bookworm."

"Not a bookworm. Just an intelligent handsome lad"

"Did you just call yourself handsome?"

"You know you were thinking it too,"

"Yes of course, Draco. You're so dashing. Like a prince,"

"Hmm well if you're calling me a dashing prince, I may need to come up with a name for you,"

"Hermione will do just fine. And don't get it twisted, you called yourself dashing,"

"Alright well you called me a prince. I guess I'll have to call you princes. You are Gryffindor's resident good girl,"

"So you're a prince and you're calling me a princess. Wouldn't want anyone to take that the wrong way," Hermione said looking at Draco closely.

"Oh Hermione, I would have no problem with people taking it the wrong way," Draco said as he stood up and walked away. Hermione watched him leave with an overwhelming feeling of absolute confusion. What had just happened.

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