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Graysons POV

I've been calling Vanessa non stop and I still don't get any response.

She turned off her phone , I called her brother and he didn't answer, I called her mom & her number didn't even ring , I called her dad and the same thing happened .... I was so confused but must of all I was very worried.

"Maybe she ran out of battery Gray , don't worry you'll contact her soon " Ethan said as he sat next to me and patted my back

"No Ethan, this doesn't feel right Vanessa always answers my calls .... this is strange . Plus no one in her family answers me ..... and her parents phone number , they don't even ring as if ....." I stopped as the fact hit me

"As if what?" Ethan asked confused

"As if they blocked me!!!" I screamed getting up

A lot of things started running through my head.... I mean she doesn't answer me ... her parents blocked me . This must mean she .... broke up with me !? Wait no... but at the airport..... SHES MY FUCKING FIANCÉ ! But if she broke up with me !? Why did she !? Did she even break up with me? Am i just exaggerating!??

I needed answer and I needed them quick

"Yo Gray chill, you're acting like a fucking lunatic man. I think you're exaggerating everything. Y'all both knew a distance relationship was going to be hard . I told u to break up with her bcs I knew something like this would happen" Ethan said as he rolled his eyes

He didn't understand what I felt for her. I honestly wanted to stay in New Jersey, I just came here bcs of my brother. It is my dream to make it big on YouTube and stuff but my real dream is to be with her and form a family, that's what I want , that's my real Dream .... my real goal.

I looked at Ethan and then I looked at the bracelet that Vanessa gave me..... then i asked myself, is this what i really want ?

Igs our twin telepathy or wtv the fuck helped Ethan figure out what I was thinking cuz he got up and gave me a very serious look as he got closer to me and said "No fucking way, don't even think about it Grayson. You're not leaving to go see her. We just fucking got here , you're exaggerating. Just wait till tomorrow she'll answer your calls and your messages "

"And what if she doesn't ?" I said still looking at the bracelet , not being able to take my eyes off of it

"Then she doesn't love u " Ethan said with no emotion so dry and disgusting

"You goddam well know she fucking loves me ! " I screamed at Ethan as I grabbed him by his shirt collar" And I love her more than anything on this Earth!! So don't fucking even dare to say that shit again!" I then pushed him off and went to my room slamming the door and laying down on the bed

Vanessa please answer me just please ..... idk if I'm exaggerating but I don't want to loose you ..... I'm freaking out idk what to do! I hope you're okay ..... I need to see u soon, my beautiful queen

Grayson POV

I couldn't sleep last night, a lot of things kept running through my head . I just couldn't rap my head around the whole situation . Was I exaggerating or was something actually wrong?

This is all so weird bcs the last time I saw her she .... omg .... no fucking way !!!

She .... she asked me to "kiss her like if it was the last time " wtf!!! Did she actually mean that!!??? And why would she want to break up with me !?

I can't keep doing this shit .... I have to go to New Jersey now.

I grabbed my suitcase and started packing , it was around 8:30ish so I knew Ethan wasn't awake at least that's what I thought .

As I was packing and igs I made too much noise bcs Ethan burst I to my room. He saw my suitcase and then gave me a dirty look .

"Tf do u think your doing Bailey?" He said and I could hear the mad tone on his voice 

"Ethan you don't understand, it's my girlfriend ... my relationship that idk what is happening ... I'm going crazy I need to know what's going on! She hasn't answer my calls no one In her family answers me idk wtf is going on!!!! I can't stay here , I can't Ethan !"

"If she doesn't answer if she ghosted u then that means she doesn't want u in her life anymore ! She probably got tired of all the hate she was getting and decided to let you go , just think about it .... she said it didn't get to her but we all know it did . Just let her go Grayson let her be happy bcs maybe this world is not for her ....just think about it bro "

I sat down on the bed with my hands on my face ..... maybe that's it .... she got tired of this .... she got so much hate .... she sometimes felt like she wasn't good enough for me bcs everyone on social media  would tell her that  ..... maybe she thought that I made my choice .... by moving here that meant I chose my career on top of our love ....

No... but this is not her ... she wouldn't do that .... not after I showed her how much I loved her .... I proposed to her ... she said yes ... there has to be another explanation to all of this ....

"Grayson just let it go , let her go .... this is not for her , you'll meet new people here people who understand you.... it wasn't meant to be Gray .... everything good must come to an end, this might be the end of a chapter but is also the opening of a better one , just think about it okay?" Ethan said as he patted my back

"Ethan.... I .... I proposed to her and she said yes .... ik Vanessa better than anyone else and ik she wouldn't just ghost me without giving me an explanation... this is not her , something stronger than her is keeping her away from me ... I know it I can feel it " I said looking straight to his eyes meaning I was serious   But Ethan just looked at me like a crazy person and laughed

"What are u ? A fucking witch that u feel shit " he said laughing " Gray I'm telling u she probably got tired of all this , I don't blame her this world is pretty exhausting especially when you're in a relationship and people constantly tell u how much u suck for the other person and how there's way better girls out there for that person... your know what I mean ? And I can't fucking believe u actually proposed to her .... she's just your high school sweetheart or wtv the fuck but that's all .... or did u actually think she was going to be the mother of your children?"he asked with a wtf look on his face

I looked at him but didn't say anything ..... the last time .... nah ... she can't be pregnant that's insane.... she would've told me 100% she would of I mean... u don't hide shit like that.... maybe Ethan is right. For some reason she doesn't want to talk to me .... maybe i should let go.

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