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Behind his resting mind there were many reasons, perhaps the fairy sunset that came out to life from an artist's canvas, or it could be just about her existence that challenged the nature dominantly. he didn't know which and didn't want to know either, all he could feel then was the strange vibe within his car that was absent in the days of past.

in a span of a second, his doe eyes that wondered about the vibrant colors of the horizon shifted to his side with a fond smile when finding her beside him.

she had her head leaned onto the headrest of the seat, and faced the window at her side calmly. her hair was fallen over half of her face and shoulder, and despite her not seeing the beauty of the sky as him, she surely enjoyed singing the chorus of the radio song heart-fully.     

"ma baby i love you so much forever you and i..i love you.." he craved upon singing along it wasn't his favorite but was one of the songs he memorized. but forgot to do so when got captivated in her soothing voice. it wasn't the best voice he heard, but surely was the most idyllic one.

she started to tap her fingers on her short uniform skirt ready to flow within the rap part, but as the volume went down by him she shifted her head towards him confounded. "you can sing?" he went astray at what he heard from her, and only then she realized her whispering was actually too loud.

"no..I'm just good at whispering" she mumbled without a doubt feeling at fault to mislead him into something like that. "oh come on, that was a great line to start with" he chuckled seeing her crimson cheeks but she said no more and turned away letting her soft hair block her from him.

"how many hours more have you decided to keep this silence instead of talking to me? i told you today you won't go home unless you tell me everything about that incident" he reminded her of the main reason why she was sitting in his car somewhere in Seoul for hours doing nothing.

in short kidnapped by him. "and the doors are locked" he added when seeing her trying to open the door. she got into a conclusion that this psycho guy had audacity to leave her somewhere far from home just to make her confess her sin, and before letting her fearful thoughts come to life she gave up.

"what's there to know? you already said it all, yes it was the same girl of before" she uttered and crossed her arms annoyed by him. his doubts dismissed and all he got left with was dreadful confusion "that explains a lot" he muttered to himself looking past her at the empty place.

she became perplexed by his confession, and as the things included her the curiosity didn't let it pass. "so what if it was the same girl? she is the worst person ever..i wish i could see her so i would hurt her as much as i want" one after one the words tangled her arising anger.

she had suffered a lot by her merciless hands, and to return the pain she wished many times on repeat, but it didn't take a minute for her to realize even with her eyes being there for her she wouldn't be too strong to fight. she wasn't grown that way.

"the thing is, i know her that's why" when Jungkook finally dared to say what he hid from her for days, Jennie's eyes widened. her head snapped towards him unable to believe what she heard "you what?"

he expected that same reaction from her anyway, that the rage in her voice didn't scare him a bit. "i know her..she was my classmate two years ago" he had his eyebrows crashed to one another as his hands tightened around the steering wheel.

"she was the girl i wished to befriend..eh! who am i fooling? i loved her" he chuckled loosening his grip only to push his head back to the headrest harshly. she jolted in surprise to his heavy breathes afraid to even speak without stutter "what?!!.."

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