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This time it was different than before. the building he parked his car in front was very big as if built for ceremonies and huge crowds, the windows were tall from the top to the floor covered for now by the dark shaded curtains.

although on each wall there were different designs and statues made, but they all had being colored by the same dark grayish shade. just to make it more expensive in look a wide space of grass surrounded it apart from the gravel pathway from the parking lot of the area to the entrance of the hall.

there was a great fountain in the middle that had its own artsy style wasn't simple but also had roses all over it. if it was fair he would've described it as one of the Disney Princesses castle, but he never seen one of them before.

his eyes shifted away onto his side were the lost princess was sat. silly of him to think she belonged into places like that and not where he found her for the first time.

she was sitting down with a tender smile and closed eyes to help herself creating every detail he gave of the place. the white knee level dress suited her so well. despite it being cheap but her flawless skin made it look fabulous. her hair has been styled differently today he for sure could tell as he could see her everyday, and no other day could top her look tonight.

"it's beautiful" she mumbled out before a slight nod to him. he was lost in her face features at how suddenly she became so beautiful with a light makeup on. "so do you" he muttered his thoughts out never thought he would ever say such thing to any girl.

"excuse me?" she turned to him surprised at what she heard but also doubted it to be the exact meaning, and thanks to her he was awakened. "i said let's go in" but before they could do anything his phone started to ring.

he sighed in annoyance but she chuckled and stopped him from leaving the car saying "you have to answer it, they called too many times" he found that as an opportunity to collect his messed up mind therefore he agreed and she got off.

she stayed by the car for some seconds just inhaling the cold fresh air before walking straight ahead to the sound of the endless running water of the great fountain. the sound of it was so soothing that freed her soul from any troubles with the tips of her fingers she sensed the coldness that it owned.

soon enough the distant strains of the violin grew louder pulling her into a world of classy people. she evolved into knowing what her country had to give her through the arts and paintings that she wished to see.

"ready?" Jungkook spoke from behind her catching up. all she needed to do was a smile for him to guid her into the magnificent gallery monument.

she learnt from him, that the tall huge door was opened towards a large space of empty floors and complicated pieces that hang on the walls. apart from the melody she heard not that much of a sound. the observers were less compared to the amount that the place could held. yet she could hear a male voice offering drinks to them.

"I'm really surprised how my mother was okay with this" she spoke through her chuckles. after going home from the Zoo very late she was grounded for two days, yet there she was out with him once more.

he shrugged smirking cockily being the one with the most confidence. "it doesn't matter how, what matters is it worked, right?" he reminded her of her own statement the other day, and she couldn't help but to nod knowing he wouldn't tell her his trick.

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