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-back at the dinner time-

As if it could help after all those questions in his mind Jiwook smiled to him having his hands on each side of his shoulders.

he stared directly at him wondering if he was telling the truth or he was just hallucinating due to the alcohol he had awhile ago.

when Sohee heard what jiwook had confessed she grew eager to separate them, and successfully did it by pushing Jungkook away removing jiwook's hands off of him.

"what did you do?" she shook jiwook by arms not believing what she just witnessed, the years she tried to bury those truth has went away just like that. it became something huge upon her heart.

hearing them discussing loudly in the silence of the hall Jungkook suddenly felt as sober as he ever could be "w-what?".

he should've been there passed out for the effect of the wine yet he was solid like rock as he watched the woman he hated crying and hugging jiwook tightly whilst all the guy did was to stand blankly never returning the hug like they used to.

his head slowly turned as if afraid to see, but ended up locking his eyes with his father. the one that never cared for him, the one that he never could find comfort in looked different now.

Minseok was thinking.. what were the things he should've done differently to dodge a moment like this, what were the things he shouldn't have done at all?

he tried to undo everything for the past years, but each time he failed to a heartbreaking end. now he was just looking in the eyes of his younger son who was craving for care he didn't give.. 'i can only try again' he told himself in remorse.

"why did you do that?" Sohee's crying voice brought him back into the reality that hurt him more than ever. he lost control over his body as he stood up walking away to the door.

jiwook's words still rang in his ears, 'what does he mean he is related to me in both sides!!', he wasn't aware where he was walking but all he knew was to run away from them.

"let me explain!" he was pulled back by his arm midway, with a hand he recognized easily.

he closed his eyes to hide his tears, but failed and they escaped one after another when Yeji turned him around.

there was nothing else to pawn. what she needed never came out to be that way, and no matter how she tried she always messed it up big times. she had hopes before, before it all reaching this point. but now! she only had guts to ask for a chance from him who never doubted her for anything. at least! not for truths.

"would you please..p-please listen to me?" she begged sobbing quietly. like those times she was telling him how unfair her life was, like those days she was having enough of her husband taking the sides of his first wife.

and he smiled.

watching his mother this weak was the last thing he wished to observe. he cupped her cheeks wiping her tears for her with his thumbs, he nodded unknowingly making her smile and be thankful that this side of him didn't change.

it wasn't that he wasn't angry at her, but for all the times she gave him a chance he saw her deserving one too.

"h-he needed a son that she couldn't give him..he married me when jiwook was born" strange how he couldn't believe any word leaving her mouth now! it never matched the story they told him when growing up.

maybe because after years of pain he finally got to know something so big out of them? or maybe it was because she never had been this desperate that he thought she might lie to escape.

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