~ Klaus ~

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Klaus's POV

Zagan turned to him I'm guessing they were glaring at each other because I was too busy trying to remember to breathe.

Why must my life be so complicated all of a sudden?Don't I deserve peace? Damien the other guy that Ezra lip locked passionately earlier walked in almost immediately

"What is going on?"he asked and placed a hand on Ezra's shoulder almost like snapping him back to reality.

Zagan moved away from me and grabbed a shirt from his bed.

"Nothing"Zagan said and put the shirt on.

"Well to the Dean's office"Ezra instructed.

"You're not the boss of me"Zagan pointed out and walked into the bathroom

"Why that little-"Ezra moved towards the bathroom but Damien held him back.

"We need to move Klaus's room away from this maniac what was the Dean thinking?"Ezra barked walking towards the exit.

"Ezra chill"Damien said pulling Ezra to look at him.

"Chill? Anything happen to Morgan and you know what his dad's gonna do?"Ezra said

I've not seen many sides to this guy but he definitely looked scared.

I'm personally afraid of my dad but not this afraid they look like he'd kill them or something.

"Ezra h-he didn't do anything to me" I tried saying maybe to diffuse the situation.

"He sure as hell looked like he wanted to"

The shocked expression on my face must have made him calm down.

"Listen I'm not crazy I'm just saying..." he paused rubbed the bridge between his eyes  "Wester last year he-" Ezra paused and looked at Damien.

As tho asking for permission.

"What happened?"I was too curious.

"He nearly killed his last room mate"He said and I paused

"Dude"Damien said rubbing his hand over his face exhaustedly.

He did what?!

"What?!"my eyes bulge out.

"We've got to go right now"Damien ordered dragging Ezra off.

What the fuck was that? My roommate was an attempted murderer?
Why wasn't he in jail?

Zagan did come out of that bathroom but he didn't spare me a glance before walking out of the room.

It's barely my first day or should I say forth day and there's this much drama, how could I possibly endure for the first semester?

Should I just drop out?

I'm still half contemplating on what to decide when I heard a very weird sound like a bell but not really because it was more terrifying than the lunch bell.

I heard excessive feet sounds running down the stairs

What's going on?

Too bad I don't have a guide, but as soon as I thought about it I heard a knock

Was that Ezra again?

"C-come in?"

Dana popped her head in quietly with an awkward wave.

"It's assembly"she said and I sighed.


I thought there was a hurricane happening.

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