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Have you ever wanted somebody so bad but you can't have them, so you settle for the nearest best thing and it sucks.

It sucks hard balls.

My eyes narrowed lazily in class as the teacher talked slowly picking each of his words and annoying the living day out of me.

Why couldn't class be fun at least I won't have to think about my current life crisis since I stepped into this school.

I try my best to not look but I still catch myself staring at her.
I always knew I had an attraction to girls I just didn't know that when you are attracted to a straight girl life becomes a fucking hell and since vampire and all that I have my entire lifetime to crave her and not get her.

As my last resort to getting over my shit emotions my eyes linger on a girl sitting at the far end of the classroom, she looked petite and submissive.

I like them submissive.

She notices me staring and smiles to herself making sure she doesn't alert the crone of a teacher.
I'd much rather we skipped this class together so after classes I made sure to corner her on my way out.

She's also extremely shy as we exchanged contacts.

Meeting up later on at the library I have to say was faith.

"Oh Kiara," she said softly with a hint of surprise in her eyes, I like her eyes I wonder what they look like when she goes full vampire.


"Being new must be tough-" I get up from my chair and walk up straight to her, very close to her ear "Let's go past the small talk and make out?"I asked instead making her blush.

"Well er...I would love to but the school has a high no same-sex relationship" she whispered back.

She shouldn't be but I'm guessing by the proximity at which my lips are close to hers she had no other choice

Right, they were homophobic.

"No one has to know now, do they?"I said leading her towards an aisle that looked empty before pinning her to the shelf.

She gasped but she wasn't stopping me.

"Sorry if I'm rough but right now I f*cking need this" I whispered against her cheek.

She doesn't say anything but turns to me and presses her lips softly on mine like a tease. "So have me"

The urge to hide my smirk failed as I deepened the kiss aggressively, raising her involuntarily onto my hips making the books behind her crash around us.

Like heck, I can't even remember her name but she feels good.

I hear more books clatter and I pause.

There were no more books behind her so I turned around and saw my roommate with the ginger hair staring speechlessly at us.

I'm so speechless I drop her off my waist.

"Are we in trouble?" her small voice whispered beside me.


At the lunch room, I could feel Max my roommate with the ginger hair burning holes into my sides.

She can read your thoughts, I hope she counts the multiple 'go-f*ck yourself, freak' I sent her way.

There was a sudden ruckus of noise which was students talking amongst themselves I had no reason to care until She got on the table announcing her relationship with the morgan guy.

I paused for a second there just staring at her speechlessly.

No way the person I'm slowly getting obsessed with is dating, and Herlz Morgan's son for that matter.

Everyone knows the famous Herlz Morgan mostly because he's the only Tri-breed ever witnessed and invulnerable to death.


My eyes slowly move away from her to my phone.

One of the most annoying things about being a vampire is heightened senses.

The Dean walked into the room and everyone goes quiet.
She could have just sent for me instead of coming all the way.

Inside her office looked as dreadful as when I first came in.

"So..." she moved her fingers to the blinds at the corner of the shelves "...what do you think?" she asked and I groaned.

"It's fine"

"You suggested it so????"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Oh c'mon ky" she beamed suddenly.

"Mom I thought we agreed to pretend like we don't know each other if I agreed to come to your college," I said tiredly.

"I'm keeping my end of that bargain hence the office" she gestured around.

"Please can I leave"I begged but she didn't budge. For a dead with the whole school scared of her she was pretty clingy to her adopted child aka me.

Our history was strange but alright all the same.

"Are you having boy trouble?" she suddenly snaps me out of my thoughts

"No, "I say immediately as she like everyone else in this blasted place is in the dark about my sexuality.

"Girl troubles then?"She added patting whiskers-her cat.

I'm frozen a bit.
Did that ginger rat on me?
"What do you mean?"I managed to mutter before she dropped the cat which ran off disappearing into the corner. I hated how black cats could morph into shadows.

I wish I could do that.

"Avery Mayfield was in my office earlier and she was acting very suspicious and I noticed she's been in your company more times than anybody else" she stated at me with her reading eyes.

This was bad.
If I made a slight mistake I could get things complicated.

"We have history class together and I-she wanted help with homework I was just trying to mingle as you advised"I cringed at the little mistake I almost made. But my face was poker.

"Well I guess that's good"She sat back playing with her nails.

"I have to go I have some work to revise later"I blurred to the door.

"No blurring that's a rule" she added waving me off.

"Yes Dean" I mocked but I can swear I saw a slight inkling of a smile on the corner of her lips.

My mom.



Impossible mixture ✔️ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora