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My eyes moved back to Madam Steele. "Y-yes?"

"Mind compulsion is a powerful ability but being able to read minds is an even greater ability so you have to focus"She said and I nodded.

"Of course ma'am"I sit up and clear my throat.

"Good, so when you feed how many minds can you read at a time?"she asked and I looked around trying to think "Zero"I said quietly.

"Max..." The teachers voice nagged as I sigh tiredly and looked straight at her.
" I've said this countless of times, I can't control when I read people's minds because some people are..."I pause and rub my forehead.

"Some people are more strong minded than others"she answered for me "That's what you need these trainings, to focus"

"Focus on what exactly? how to read people's minds on a whim?"I asked starting to get irritated.

"Yes maxilla because if you don't, your abilities can and will affect your mental health"She said looking more concerned than I've ever seen her

I sigh.

"You are more powerful than you can imagine"she scolded.

"Fine, I'm sorry let's try again"I said sitting up and closing my eyes trying to focus.

"Clear your mind and head, being a vampire and with all the abilities that it comes with can make mind reading hard for you"she said and suddenly tapped a small gong on the table.

"What the fuck?"I snapped my eyes open.

"No swearing!"she shunned making me groan angrily.  "You have to learn to control the distractions around and get into the mind of the opponent"she said

The bell rang  and I sighed in relief "lunch time"I said with a small grateful smile.

"See you in the next class"she said with a dissatisfied look on her face as I moved to leave "And practice more on other people apart from your roommate Dana" She added.

That made me frown.

I hated that sometimes I secretly read Dana's mind, like when she tries to hide something from me.

But my new practice subject was Kiara.

She seemed hidden. And she also was a better challenge than Zagan would ever be. That thick wall of steel.

I wouldn't even bother trying Klaus Morgan I'm sure he'd catch me, heck if Zagan almost could Klaus would teach me a lesson.

Inside the Dinning hall felt strange like something weird had happened earlier.

Everyone was staring at Dana and Klaus Morgan quietly speak to each other, I could smell blood, it wasn't weird to smell blood, heck everyone was drinking it right now but the smell of this seemed fresher?

I can't explain it.

'They kissed?'

Huh? I heard someone's thoughts, how could I do that?
Well...without trying so hard to concentrate and hold up.
They kissed?!!!

My eyes and Dana's met.

She had the most promiscuous look on her face but unfortunately I couldn't read whatever she was squealing in her head.

Later after classes, I went to the library looking for Kiara.
I know she's here.

She's always here.

A massive amount of sound and thought waves hit me as I try to concentrate, I imagine the sounds like tickling of electricity or breathing or the insistent tapping of the librarians what do I call it?  It looks shiny and sort of silver but it keeps tapping.

Ugh whatever.

Focus on Kiara. Her face, her voice, her scent, h-her-

My eyes moved towards the romance isle.

I know she's there not because I could read her mind but because of I'm a vampire so duh, my only worry was the fact that she's around that isle.

Isn't that the make out spot? Why is she there? Is she making out with a guy already?

'You feel good'

I suddenly hear and that definitely sounds like Kiara I can't wait to see who's she's making out with so I blur through the Isle.

Kiara was definitely there holding and pressing herself against the person who she was passionately kissing.

I really wish I didn't blur because she noticed and turned to me. ''Shit'  we both said in our heads.

"Are we in trouble?" A light voice said beneath Kiara.


Kiara gave me a deadly glare that read 'get out' and 'I might have to kill you' or was that what she just thought?

My brain was currently scrambled.

Kiara likes girls?!

Wait until Dana finds out!! I look around awkwardly and grabbed a book

"I-I came for this"I said clearing my throat and blurred off, it's against school rules to blur but I don't want to be caught dead in the middle of whatever this is.

Is this a pattern?
Dana kissed Klaus and now Kiara kissed someone else.

I touched my lips subconsciously "will I kiss someone?"I said unconsciously loud.

"Don't be so desperate max"Some voice said smiling at me until I realized that punk Ricky smiling at me.


"The book was a dead giveaway but you didn't need to touch your lips and give me a look"he said sweetly as my eyes freewheeled down to the book I technically stole from the library.


Oh come onnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!


Inside the room felt smaller but it was better than outside with the consequences that await me.

First I steal book.

Invade Kiara's Private love life even though I was really after her thoughts and last I punched Ricky in the nose and blurred off, I could have just walked off but I hit him instead.

Well thanks a lot Mrs Steele.

I'm losing my fucking mind.

And just when I thought my life couldn't get worse Dana bursts in.

"Max I did a thing"She squealed.

"Yeah I know you kissed a Morgan"

"Were you reading my mind again?"she asked casually and I almost double take.

"H-how did you know I can rea-"I shocked when Dana waved me off on her way to her bed. "You're kind of obvious plus we're roomies"

Before I could come up with some kind of comeback Kiara stormed in her eyes roaming until they hit mine.

Dana gives her a glare but she's too busy walking towards me to notice her.

Is She maybe hiding a stake behind her to stab me with?

"A word?"She said quietly.

"What do you want?

"A word"her eyes rolled dramatically and her gaze towards the walk in closet.

"And If I refuse?"I just say.

"Well I can do this"Kiara said and pulled me in aggressively but instead of a slap or punch, her intoxicating perfume was all up in my face as her face was practically inches away from mine "I could implicate you"She whispered to me looking dead into my eyes.

"What's going on?"Dana asked suddenly she seemed alert as she was almost out of her bed.

"N-nothing"I managed to say as I pushed Kiara away from me.

"Fine a word"


Took a while to update because my phone got an issue so I couldn't update manage this for a bit .

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