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"WHAT?!" Damien screamed as we both stared down at Klaus's unconscious body.

"Did you bite him?"

"Why would I do that?!" I glared at Damien.

"The Dean would kill us" He touched Klaus's neck.

"Fuck the Dean, do you know what his father would do?! He'd raise hell on this school" I started pacing.

"Hey, hey listen if worse comes to hell, we'd just feed Wester to him," Damien said stopping me from my pace.

"Not funny, I caught him trying to run away which means my compulsion didn't work" I sighed angrily.

"Come on baby you know I hate it when you pace like this" he brushed his fingers against my cheeks and lips, down to my chin, and raised my face to look at his eyes "You know I hate to see you scared"

I give him a look before I move away from him, I love Damien. I do. But....He's freaking annoying most times.

I can't lie that he's more favored by the Dean and I have to work tooth and nail for respect and a place here whilst he just has to be himself

I'm not jealous. I'm just pissed.

The only flaw about him here is the fact that he's Gay.
A secret we both won't like getting into the ears of the Dean.

"I'll take Morgan back to his room," I said instead and hoisted Klaus over my shoulder.

"Are you alright?...." Damien intercepts the door and is on my way. "...Apart from the whole Morgan fiasco, is something else up?"

"No...why would there be?...I'm just stressed" I said and sighed giving a small smile for his reassurance.

"Okay," I don't think he believes me and would probably start to plan an elaborate thing to make me feel better.

My smile falls as soon as I leave the room.

Mostly because Zagan Wester was glaring at me with his arms folded outside the door, he was crouched on the door frame.

"So, when were you guys going to tell the whole school there is a human amongst us?"

"What are you talking about?"

Zagan scoffed and unfolded his arms. His eyes trailed to Morgan perfectly unconscious on my shoulder.

"Acting coy are we?" He smirked.

"You do realize I'm much older and stronger than you,"I say to him and his smirk disappears.

"I had human blood," he says simply and I freeze. He isn't supposed to h- "...And then I discovered that drinking animal blood blocks a lot of things and makes you less heightened than you should be," he said and walked closely to my ear "And stronger"

"What do you want?" I asked him and he shrugged "That imposter out of this School"

"You'd have to bring that up with the Dean, unfortunately," I brushed past him.

"That's your problem and not mine," he says, but I'm ignoring him. I hear sounds of blurring and a crash.

When I turn around I see Damien towering over Zagan against the wall he has thrown him into.

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